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如何在 Visual Studio 2022 中定位 .net Framework 7.0?

[英]How to Target .net Framework 7.0 in Visual Studio 2022?

I just installed the Visual Studio Community 2022 and installed .net core 4.8.1 (ndp481-web.exe and the do.net-sdk-7.0.102-win-x64.exe.) Do.net 7.0 is not a preview, it is the released version, and VSCommunity 2022 is the released version.我刚刚安装了 Visual Studio Community 2022 并安装了 .net 核心 4.8.1(ndp481-web.exe 和 do.net-sdk-7.0.102-win-x64.exe。)Do.net 7.0 不是预览版,它是发布版本,VSCommunity 2022是发布版本。

C:\\Users\\TimE\>dotnet --list-sdks  
5\.0.101 \[C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\]  
5\.0.416 \[C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\]  
7\.0.102 \[C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\]  

However, I cannot target the.Net 7.0 framework for my existing applications.但是,我无法为我现有的应用程序定位 .Net 7.0 框架。
7.0 does not appear in the dropdown. 7.0 没有出现在下拉列表中。 VS2022 Target Framework VS2022目标框架

Does anyone know what I need to do to get my existing apps to target the 7.0 framework?有谁知道我需要做什么才能让我现有的应用程序以 7.0 框架为目标?
Am I missing a setting to show the Framework instead of the Core?我是否缺少显示框架而不是核心的设置?

Thanks much in advance!非常感谢!

.Net Framework needs to be migrated to .net core for those who want to know. .Net Framework 需要迁移到.net 核心给想知道的。 The proper way to do this is outlined at learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/core/porting learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/core/porting 概述了执行此操作的正确方法

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