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如何在反应中使用 function 设置背景颜色?

[英]How to set the backgroundcolor with a function in react?

So basically I have a div and I need to apply 1 of 3 possible colors based on the value, from 0 to 29 the color is red, from 30 to 69 the color is yellow and for 70 to 100 the color is green, what I'm doing right now is creating a function that based on the value applies one style or another using an object, like this:所以基本上我有一个 div,我需要根据值应用 3 个可能的 colors 中的 1 个,从 0 到 29 颜色是红色,从 30 到 69 颜色是黄色,70 到 100 颜色是绿色,我我现在正在做的是创建一个 function,它基于值应用一种样式或另一种样式,使用 object,如下所示:

const useStyles = {
  bar: {
    low: {
      backgroundColor: "#f44336"

const handleBackgroundColor = (valueInPercent: Number) => {
    if (valueInPercent < 30) {
        return useStyles.bar.low;
    } else if (valueInPercent >= 30 && valueInPercent <= 70) {
        return useStyles.bar.medium;
    return useStyles.bar.high;

    height: "75px", width: '75px', 
    backgroundColor: handleBackgroundColor(valueInPercent) }}

But I get this error:但我收到此错误:

Type '{ backgroundColor: string;输入 '{ backgroundColor: string; }' is not assignable to type 'BackgroundColor | }' 不可分配给类型 'BackgroundColor | undefined'.不明确的'。

Does someone knows how to fix this or is there a way to use a ternary operator for this?有人知道如何解决这个问题或者有没有办法为此使用三元运算符?

I solved it removing the object notation, and leave it like this:我解决了它删除 object 符号,并像这样保留它:

bar: {
    low: "#f44336",
    medium: "#efbb5aa3",
    high: "#088208a3"

I solved it by changing the declaration of bar to this:我通过将bar的声明更改为此来解决它:

bar: {
    low: "#f44336",
    medium: "#efbb5aa3",
    high: "#088208a3"

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