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在 Optional.map 中返回 Optional.empty 而不是 Optional[null]

[英]Return Optional.empty instead of Optional[null] in Optional.map

In the below code, if customerInfo is not present, it returns Optional[null] and hence customerInfo.get(name).textValue() returns a NPE.在下面的代码中,如果customerInfo不存在,它会返回 Optional[null],因此customerInfo.get(name).textValue()返回一个 NPE。 Is there a way to make map(data -> data.get("customerInfo")) return Optional.empty() instead of Optional[null] ?有没有办法让map(data -> data.get("customerInfo"))返回Optional.empty()而不是Optional[null] Here the null within Optional[null] is a NullNode object.这里Optional[null]中的 null 是一个 NullNode object。

  Optional<JsonNode> orderData = getOrderData() // API Call

  orderData.map(data -> data.get("customerInfo"))
  .map(customerInfo -> customerInfo.get(name).textValue());

You seem to be misinterpreting the problem you're having.您似乎误解了您遇到的问题。 The NullPointerException occurs because customerInfo.get(name) is null, so customerInfo.get(name).textValue() is trying to call the textValue() method on a null reference. NullPointerException 发生是因为customerInfo.get(name)是 null,所以customerInfo.get(name).textValue()试图在 null 引用上调用textValue()方法。

To fix this, you can split that call to map into two calls, like so:要解决此问题,您可以map的调用拆分为两个调用,如下所示:

orderData.map(data -> data.get("customerInfo"))
  .map(customerInfo -> customerInfo.get(name))
  .map(customer -> customer.textValue());

This way, if customerInfo.get(name) is null, then the resulting Optional will be empty, and that last lambda won't be executed.这样,如果customerInfo.get(name)为 null,则生成的 Optional 将为空,并且不会执行最后一个 lambda。

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