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在 AWS IAM 中创建用户时,我没有看到“选择 AWS 凭证类型*”“访问密钥 - 程序访问”

[英]When creating a user in AWS IAM I do not see "Select AWS Credential Type*" "Access Key - Programatic Access"

Expecting to see this (doing a video tutorial):期待看到这个(做一个视频教程): 在此处输入图像描述

I'm now seeing:我现在看到:


Curious if something changed?好奇是否有什么变化? If so is the best workaround to add a private key to the user via the user's security tab within IAM?如果是的话,最好的解决方法是通过 IAM 中的用户安全选项卡向用户添加私钥吗?

AWS changes all the time! AWS 一直在变化!

As per the message in blue, you can generate access keys after you create the user.根据蓝色消息,您可以在创建用户后生成访问密钥。 Go to the Security credentials tab on the IAM User. Go 到 IAM 用户的安全凭证选项卡。

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