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将 Object 转换为 JSON 文件,然后转换为字节以保存到存储,然后返回到 Object

[英]Convert Object to JSON File then to Bytes to save to an Storage and then back to Object

Suppose I have the class Student which only has name and age attributes.假设我有 class Student,它只有 name 和 age 属性。

public class Student {
     private String studentName;
     private Integer age;

I want to convert this Student objects to JSON files (I think I can do this with Jackson mapper)我想将这个 Student 对象转换为 JSON 文件(我想我可以用 Jackson 映射器做到这一点)

Then I need to store this.json file to an storage, so I have the method save(String key, byte[] resource) which saves any kind of file to the storage (.zip, .txt, etc.).然后我需要将 this.json 文件存储到存储中,所以我有方法 save(String key, byte[] resource) 将任何类型的文件保存到存储中(.zip、.txt 等)。

So I was wondering if I can do this like so:所以我想知道我是否可以这样做:

  1. Write value as String with jackson (Student to json)用 jackson 将值写入字符串(Student 到 json)
  2. Get the bytes of this String获取此字符串的字节
  3. Save to the Storage with save(studentName, bytes)使用 save(studentName, bytes) 保存到存储

Back to Student object:回到学生object:

Then when I search an student from the storage I would need to convert back to String like so:然后,当我从存储中搜索学生时,我需要像这样转换回字符串:

Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
String string = new String(studentBytes, charset);

Then String back to Student with Jackson mapper然后使用 Jackson 映射器将字符串返回给 Student

Is this a good approach (I think not because the idea is that those bytes are actually a.json file, but are bytes of a java String object)?这是一个好方法吗(我认为不是因为这些字节实际上是一个 .json 文件,而是一个 java String 对象的字节)? I am a little confused because the "file bytes" that I am saving are from a String object with this approach, but I can not find how to convert the Student object to a ".json file", can not figure out how to save.json file (which I do not need to save in disk because I only need the bytes to save to the cloud storage), how would I write an Object to an "in memory.json file" or maybe is not to see it as a file, just as bytes right?我有点困惑,因为我保存的“文件字节”来自字符串 object,但我找不到如何将学生 object 转换为“.json 文件”,不知道如何保存.json 文件(我不需要将其保存在磁盘中,因为我只需要将字节保存到云存储中),我如何将 Object 写入“在 memory.json 文件中”,或者可能不将其视为文件,就像字节一样对吗? Please point in the right direction, like how to directly write the object to a json file and then store this file bytes?请指出正确的方向,比如如何将object直接写入一个json文件,然后存储这个文件字节?

Yes this is how you want to do it if you want to save json to a file to upload to S3.是的,如果您想将 json 保存到文件以上传到 S3,这就是您想要的方式。 Jackson has a native json data structure (I think it's called JsonNode ) but you don't want to save that to a file. Jackson 具有本机 json 数据结构(我认为它称为JsonNode )但您不想将其保存到文件中。 Just save the json string to a text file.只需将 json 字符串保存到文本文件中即可。

To convert Student object to String:Student object 转换为字符串:

Student student = new Student("Joe", 25);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json_string = mapper.writeValueAsString(student);

You can save this string to a text file and upload to S3.您可以将此字符串保存到文本文件并上传到 S3。 When you want to get the Student object back:当您想取回Student object 时:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Student student = mapper.readValue(new File("student.json"), Student.class);

Note that there is nothing special about a "json file".请注意,“json 文件”没有什么特别之处。 It's just a text file with the .json extention.它只是一个扩展.json的文本文件。 It contains text data that happens to be in the Json format.它包含恰好采用 Json 格式的文本数据。 You can save json_string to a file like this:您可以将json_string保存到这样的文件中:

Path path = Paths.get("student.json");
byte[] strToBytes = json_string.getBytes();
Files.write(path, strToBytes);

(Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/jackson-object-mapper-tutorial ) (参考: https://www.baeldung.com/jackson-object-mapper-tutorial

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