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如何使 object 朝它在 ursina 中所面对的方向移动?

[英]How do I make an object move in the direction that it's facing in ursina?

I want to be able to make an object move forward in ursina, but can't figure out how.我希望能够在 ursina 中进行 object 前进,但不知道如何做。

I tried the.forward method but that only gives the direction and I don't know where to go from there.我尝试了 .forward 方法,但它只给出了方向,我不知道从那里到 go 的位置。

Do entity.position += entity.forward to move it forward, while taking rotation into account.执行entity.position += entity.forward使其向前移动,同时考虑旋转。 If you don't need to account for rotation, entity.z += 1 would work too.如果您不需要考虑旋转, entity.z += 1也可以。

Example where we move forward while the w key is pressed:按下 w 键时我们向前移动的示例:

from ursina import *

app = Ursina()
entity = Entity(model='cube')

def update():
    entity.position += entity.forward * time.dt * held_keys['w']


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