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决定何时使用句柄函数以及何时封装在 React 中的按钮内

[英]Deciding when to use handle functions and when to encapsulate inside a button in React

I'm a beginner in programming and I'm trying to understand when it's a good idea to use "handle functions" in my code and when it's better to keep things simple and just put everything inside the button, for example.我是编程初学者,我想了解什么时候在我的代码中使用“句柄函数”是个好主意,什么时候最好保持简单,例如将所有内容都放在按钮中。 Can someone help me understand the differences and when it is appropriate to use each approach?有人可以帮助我了解差异以及何时适合使用每种方法吗?

I would consider this choice to be about readability of code, conventions of the codebase, and personal preference.我认为这种选择与代码的可读性、代码库的约定和个人偏好有关。 If it's more than a few lines, I would separate the function from the button to not bloat the JSX.如果超过几行,我会将 function 与按钮分开,以免使 JSX 膨胀。

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