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如何将不记名令牌和其他信息从 Spring 服务传递到 Grpc 拦截器?

[英]How do I pass bearer token and other info from Spring Service to Grpc Interceptor?

I have a Spring GraphQL application that calls the other internal microservice using the gRPC protocol.我有一个 Spring GraphQL 应用程序,它使用 gRPC 协议调用其他内部微服务。 I need to set the bearer token and other information to the gRPC header, I believe we can set it up using the gRPC interceptor ( ClientInterceptor implementation).我需要将不记名令牌和其他信息设置为 gRPC header,我相信我们可以使用 gRPC 拦截器( ClientInterceptor实现)来设置它。

I tried the below approach:我尝试了以下方法:

Based on How to Access attributes from grpc Context.current()?基于How to Access attributes from grpc Context.current()? I created a key so that we can refer it in spring-service and interceptor我创建了一个密钥,以便我们可以在 spring-service 和拦截器中引用它

public class ContextKeyHolder {
  public static Context.Key<String> USER_INFO = Context.key("USER");
  public static Context.Key<String> BEARER = Context.key("BEARER");

// spring-service method
public Employee getEmployee() {
  Context.current().withValue(ContextKeyHolder.USER_INFO, currentUser.getUsername());
  Context.current().withValue(ContextKeyHolder.BEARER, currentUser.getBearerToken());
  return grpcClient.getEmployee(...);

// interceptCall implementation
public <ReqT, RespT> ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> interceptCall(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> methodDescriptor,
    CallOptions callOptions, Channel channel) {
    return new ForwardingClientCall.SimpleForwardingClientCall<>(
      channel.newCall(methodDescriptor, callOptions)) {
      public void start(Listener<RespT> responseListener, Metadata headers) {
        String userInfo = ContextKeyHolder.USER_INFO.get(Context.current());
        System.out.println("user => " + userInfo);
        super.start(responseListener, headers);

Here I am getting null userInfo in the interceptor method.在这里,我在拦截器方法中获取null userInfo。 am I missing something here?我在这里错过了什么吗?

The other option is to use ThreadLocal to hold the context but I am kind of not sure if it's the right choice here.另一种选择是使用 ThreadLocal 来保存上下文,但我不确定这是否是正确的选择。

The context you created needs to be used when you make the call.调用时需要使用您创建的上下文。 So your code should be:所以你的代码应该是:

return Context.current()
   .withValue(ContextKeyHolder.USER_INFO, currentUser.getUsername())
   .withValue(ContextKeyHolder.BEARER, currentUser.getBearerToken())
   .call(() -> { return grpcClient.getEmployee(...);});


  Context oldContext = 
     .withValue(ContextKeyHolder.USER_INFO, currentUser.getUsername())
     .withValue(ContextKeyHolder.BEARER, currentUser.getBearerToken())
  Employee valueToReturn = grpcClient.getEmployee(...);
  return valueToReturn;

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