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在 github 个带有 .md 文件的页面上添加左侧导航栏

[英]Add left navigation bar on github pages with .md files

I want to create some documentation for our project in GitHub.我想为 GitHub 中的项目创建一些文档。

I can see, that GitHub already provides these options with GitHub pages.我可以看到,GitHub 已经为 GitHub 页提供了这些选项。 In the intro video, I can see that you can and multiple pages (.md files) and navigation.在介绍视频中,我可以看到您可以使用多个页面(.md 文件)和导航。

I already add Jekyll.我已经添加了 Jekyll。


  • I can't find how to add a left navigation bar我找不到如何添加左侧导航栏
  • how to organise files so that it will know where to find other pages如何组织文件,以便它知道在哪里可以找到其他页面

Right now I have现在我有

-> Root
  -> _config.yml
  -> about.md
  -> index.md
  -> README.md
  -> docs
     -> first_page.md
     -> second_page.md

The config file I have我有的配置文件

title: title
baseurl: 'our_domain'
  math_engine: mathjax
  syntax_highlighter: rouge
  - jekyll-default-layout

# Navigation
# List links that should appear in the site sidebar here
  - text: Documentation
    internal: true
    url: ./docs

The just the docs theme mentioned by Benjamin includes a sidebar in the default layout using {% include components/sidebar.html %} This sidebar.html is very interesting but a quite complex example on how to do it, including other files, etc.本杰明提到的文档主题在默认布局中包含一个侧边栏,使用{% include components/sidebar.html %}这个sidebar.html非常有趣,但是关于如何做到这一点的一个相当复杂的例子,包括其他文件等。

In short:简而言之:

  1. Adjust your layout.调整布局。
  2. Loop over some kind of data file, or in your case site.navigation循环某种数据文件,或者在你的情况下 site.navigation
  3. Use the returned information (text, internal, url) and include it in your sidebar.使用返回的信息(文本、内部、url)并将其包含在您的侧边栏中。

Very simple example:非常简单的例子:

    {% for item in site.navigation %}
        <a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ item.text }}</a>
    {% endfor %}

The Jekyll docs include simpler examples on how to loop such files. Jekyll 文档包含有关如何循环此类文件的更简单示例。 The docs also explain how to use a YAML file in the _data folder for this instead.该文档还解释了如何为此使用 _data 文件夹中的 YAML 文件。

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