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如何恢复已删除的组织(在 GitHub 中创建)?

[英]How to restore a deleted organization(created in GitHub)?

I have wrongly deleted organization (created in GitHub).我错误地删除了组织(在 GitHub 中创建)。 How to restore the deleted organization?如何恢复被删除的组织? I have access to my GitHub profile.我可以访问我的 GitHub 个人资料。

As long as you do not have an GitHub Enterprise Server license, you cannot restore the organization, as written in the delete section of an organization:只要没有GitHub Enterprise Server license,就不能恢复组织,在组织的删除部分写的:

Once deleted, it will be gone forever.一旦删除,它将永远消失。 Please be certain.请确定。

If you do have an GitHub Enterprise Server license, you can follow the official documentation Restoring a deleted organization .如果你有 GitHub Enterprise Server 许可证,你可以按照官方文档Restoring a deleted organization进行操作。

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