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[英]The UPDATE statement in SQL

I am working on TableA that has Column1 with dates in this format: YYYY-MM-DD and Column2 with numbers range from 1-12.我正在处理 TableA,它的 Column1 的日期格式为:YYYY-MM-DD 和 Column2,数字范围为 1-12。 I am trying to change the date year (THE YEAR ONLY) to 2022 WHERE Column2 = 10我正在尝试将日期年份(仅年份)更改为 2022 WHERE Column2 = 10

NOTE: I am not trying to change the months and date.注意:我不是要更改月份和日期。 Data type is date.数据类型是日期。

SET Column1 = '2021'
WHERE Column2 = 10

Ideally you would never store a date as a string - use the correct datatype ie date .理想情况下,您永远不会将日期存储为字符串——使用正确的数据类型,即date Also I assume YYY-MM-DD is a typo and that it should read YYYY-MM-DD .我还假设YYY-MM-DD是一个错字,它应该读作YYYY-MM-DD

Then a simple string concatenation should work然后一个简单的字符串连接应该工作

create table TestTable (Column1 varchar(10), Column2 int);

insert into TestTable (Column1, Column2)
select '2021-12-10', 10;

update TestTable set
    Column1 = CONCAT('2022', SUBSTRING(Column1,5,6))
where Column2 = 10;

select * from TestTable;


Column1专栏1 Column2专栏2
2022-12-10 2022-12-10 10 10

Note: Works on both SQL Server and MySQL.注意:适用于 SQL 服务器和 MySQL。

If you are storing your dates as date data type , then you could do it mathematically as the following:如果您将日期存储为日期数据类型,那么您可以按照以下数学方式进行操作:

For SQL server:对于 SQL 服务器:

update TableA
set Column1 = dateadd(year, -(year(Column1) - 2022), Column1)
where Column2 = 10



update TableA
set Column1 = date_add(Column1, interval -(year(Column1) - 2022) year)
where Column2 = 10


SET Column1 = '2022' + substring(Column1,6,5)
WHERE Column2 = 10

So it is hard replacing 2022 to the first 4 characters and appending the rest of column1 to the end所以很难将 2022 替换为前 4 个字符并将 column1 的 rest 附加到末尾

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