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仅在 iPhone 上不显示模态和背景(Angular 13)

[英]Modal and backdrop not showing on IPhone only (Angular 13)

In our Angular 13 app, there is a modal component.在我们的 Angular 13 应用程序中,有一个模态组件。 In the component css there is this :host selector for the root and is also the style for the backdrop:在组件 css 中有这个:host根选择器,也是背景的样式:

:host {
  position: absolute;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: flex-end;
  overflow-x: hidden;

Now, Only on IPhones (Shows ok on: Windows 11, Android phones) all of the component, the component root as backdrop (and all its content - the modal itself) are not showing at all.现在,仅在 iPhone 上(显示正常:Windows 11、Android 手机)所有组件、作为背景的组件根(及其所有内容 - 模态本身)根本不显示。

Any Idea why?知道为什么吗?

Doesn't happen in other modals or in other components不会发生在其他模态或其他组件中

Ok, this is a weird one, and I'm not sure I understood everything, but it seems that the iPhone rendered the好的,这很奇怪,我不确定我是否理解了所有内容,但似乎 iPhone 呈现了

:host { position: absolute }

differently that others.与其他人不同。 On absolute it renders the modal on the left side "outside" the iPhone screen:在 absolute 上,它在 iPhone 屏幕“外部”的左侧呈现模态:

iphone 在屏幕外渲染

The "fix" if I would call it that was to change the position to fixed :如果我称之为“修复”,那就是将 position 更改为fixed

iPhone 像其他设备一样正确呈现

If you have an explanation for this phenomena I'd love to hear it!如果您对这种现象有任何解释,我很想听听!

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