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尝试安装 datepicker pod 时,如何解决在 podlock 中安装新 pod 的多个 pod 相关问题?

[英]How to fix multiple pod related issue for installing new pods in podlock when attempting to install datepicker pod?

Aim: To Install pod 'DatePicker', '~> 1.3.0' in my old existing swift project.目的:在我现有的旧项目 swift 中安装 pod 'DatePicker', '~> 1.3.0'。

Scenario: As there is issue related to date-picker from default (.inline) layout, i'm suppose to implement new library Date-picker from pods.场景:由于存在与默认(.inline)布局中的日期选择器相关的问题,我想从 pod 中实现新的库 Date-picker。

What is the issue: While implementing the new pod in podlock it gives multiple errors as following: Image问题是什么:在 podlock 中实现新的 pod 时会出现多个错误,如下所示: Image

What i tried:我尝试了什么:

  1. Used command: gem pristine --version 2.3.0使用的命令:gem pristine --version 2.3.0

  2. gem pristine json --version 2.3.0宝石原始 json --version 2.3.0

  3. Image: This is the last time i updated my pod files: Image图片:这是我最后一次更新我的 pod 文件:图片

  4. re-installing cocoapods重新安装 cocoapods

  5. re-installing new ruby version重新安装新的 ruby 版本

  6. deleting the cache in the /Librarv/Rubv/Gems/2.6.6 directory删除 /Librarv/Rubv/Gems/2.6.6 目录中的缓存

  7. For reference.以供参考。 I was stuck at implementing the inline datepicker(Here is the question: How to implement the 'datepicker' correctly using swift when adding the multiple entries to server? )我被困在实现内联日期选择器(问题是: 将多个条目添加到服务器时如何使用 swift 正确实现“日期选择器”?

Result : Same error and nothing works.结果:同样的错误,没有任何效果。

Update :: ** Configuration and paths of the ruby I Also tried installing the datepicker' pod but it showed parsing error when i added 'datepicker' with (version) to the podlock file.更新:: ** ruby 的配置和路径我还尝试安装 datepicker' pod,但是当我将带有(版本)的'datepicker'添加到 podlock 文件时它显示解析错误。 This error这个错误

Try installing cocoapods via homebrew.尝试通过自制软件安装 cocoapods。 To do this, install homebrew first if you do not have it installed already ( instructions available here ).为此,如果您尚未安装 homebrew,请先安装它(此处提供说明)。

Then execute the following command:然后执行以下命令:

brew install cocoapods

Then run pod install (after adding ) in your project directory.然后在您的项目目录中运行pod install (在添加之后)。

See if this works, if it doesn't, please share the issue you face with this.看看这是否有效,如果无效,请与此分享您面临的问题。

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