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DocuSign - 带条件的多个单选组

[英]DocuSign - Multiple Radio groups with conditionals

We stumbled across a requirement where we need multiple radio groups but only one time yes can be selected.我们偶然发现了一个需求,我们需要多个无线电组,但只能选择一次是。 But I don't see an option how to group the controls.但我没有看到如何对控件进行分组的选项。

So, the data is in a list with multiple actions.因此,数据位于包含多个操作的列表中。 I am programmatically creating radio groups with Yes or no options for each action.我正在以编程方式创建无线电组,每个操作都有“是”或“否”选项。 Requirement here is, if one action is accepted as Yes, remaining groups below cannot be selected as Yes.这里的要求是,如果一个动作被接受为是,则下面的其余组不能被选择为是。 I want to show a validation in that scenario.我想在那种情况下显示验证。


I tried an option with creating textboxes for each group and calculating the value of radio button value.我尝试了为每个组创建文本框并计算单选按钮值的选项。 But, docusign doesn't have radio button value in Formula bar.但是,docusign 在公式栏中没有单选按钮值。

Is there something I can use for this scenario.有什么我可以用于这种情况的东西吗?

RadioGroup radioGroup = new RadioGroup
            GroupName = "Accepted",
            DocumentId = "1",
            Radios = new List<Radio>(),

        radioGroup.Radios.Add(new Radio { AnchorString = "Action1", PageNumber = "2", Value = "Yes", AnchorXOffset = "282", AnchorYOffset = "-02" });
        radioGroup.Radios.Add(new Radio { AnchorString = "Action1", PageNumber = "2", Value = "No", AnchorXOffset = "323", AnchorYOffset = "-02" });

Ps: As it deviates from the UI for user, I cannot use a dropdown/checkbox. Ps:因为它偏离了用户界面,所以我不能使用下拉菜单/复选框。

DocuSign doesn't have something that will exactly address this but there are a few options that you could try. DocuSign 没有可以准确解决此问题的方法,但您可以尝试一些选项。

First, you could use conditional tabs and only show the second set of radio groups if the user selects "no" on the first set.首先,您可以使用条件选项卡,如果用户在第一组中选择“否”,则只显示第二组单选组。 That way if they select "yes" in the first radio group, they will be restricted from selecting in the second group.这样,如果他们 select 在第一个无线电组中“是”,他们将被限制在第二组中进行选择。

A second option is that if the user can only select "yes" for one of the radio groups, you could just use one radio group with one radio button placed next to each action where the user is only allowed to choose one action rather than choosing "yes" or "no" for each one.第二种选择是,如果用户只能对其中一个单选组使用 select“是”,您可以只使用一个单选组,每个操作旁边放置一个单选按钮,用户只能选择一个操作而不是选择每一项都为“是”或“否”。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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