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[英]How to Deserialize the dictionary and fetch the value of a particular key

How should I get the value of status key?我应该如何获取状态键的值?

string a = "\"[{\\\"Status\\\":\\\"Passed\\\"}]\""

tried with JObject.Parse and JArray.Parse to deserialize it and fetch the value.尝试使用JObject.ParseJArray.Parse 对其进行反序列化并获取值。 getting error all the time, even if the key is present.一直出错,即使密钥存在。

PS: this value is coming directly from the DB, where it is stored as a string. PS:这个值直接来自数据库,它存储为一个字符串。

Maybe there is a better solution.也许有更好的解决方案。 But you can remove the / character and split by "但是您可以remove the /字符并按split by "

string a = "\"[{\\\"Status\\\":\\\"Passed\\\"}]\"";
var val=a.Replace("\\", "").Split(new string[] { "\"" },
using System.Text.Json;

string a = "\"[{\\\"Status\\\":\\\"Passed\\\"}]\"";
var json = JsonDocument.Parse(a).RootElement.GetString();
var jDoc = JsonDocument.Parse(json);
var dic = jDoc.RootElement[0].Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>();
var status = dic["Status"];

Here is a method can get the value, hope it can give you some help.这里提供一个获取值的方法,希望能给大家一些帮助。

using Newtonsoft.Json;

string a = "\"[{\\\"Status\\\":\\\"Passed\\\"}]\"";
var b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(a);
var c = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>[]>(b.ToString());


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