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如何解决 foreach 循环中丢失的文件夹?

[英]How can I solve the missing folder in foreach loop?

I'm trying to add a path to the enumerator configuration but I have a problem.我正在尝试向枚举器配置添加路径,但我遇到了问题。 There is nothing the "Browse for Folder" section. “浏览文件夹”部分没有任何内容。

What could be the problem here?这里可能是什么问题? It only shows Desktop and a subfolder which I have obscured for this posting.它只显示桌面和一个子文件夹,我在这篇文章中隐藏了它。


couldn't find a similar problem on google.在谷歌上找不到类似的问题。

That is weird.那很奇怪。 It smells like a permission issue but I can't imagine an environment where you cannot navigate outside the desktop.它闻起来像一个权限问题,但我无法想象您无法在桌面之外导航的环境。

I do not experience the same thing when I click browse but to be honest, I've never clicked "Browse" before this question.当我点击浏览时,我没有遇到同样的事情,但老实说,我从来没有在这个问题之前点击过“浏览”。


Use Windows Explorer and copy the path from there and paste into the Folder box of the Enumerator Configuration使用 Windows 资源管理器并从那里复制路径并粘贴到枚举器配置的Folder框中

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