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SwiftUI ScrollView 图片作为背景错误

[英]SwiftUI ScrollView image as background error

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Bug description:错误描述:

I can apply a color to the ScrollView background, and adjusts perfectly.我可以将颜色应用于 ScrollView 背景,并进行完美调整。

But if I try to set an image as background, the result is not correct, it expands over to the TextField and even safeArea.但是,如果我尝试将图像设置为背景,结果是不正确的,它会扩展到 TextField 甚至 safeArea。

I need this because I'm building a chat.我需要这个,因为我正在聊天。 And I can't use a ZStack to put the image under the ScrollView, it's complex to explain why.而且我不能使用 ZStack将图像放在 ScrollView 下,解释原因很复杂。

Simple piece of code to test it.一段简单的代码来测试它。

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var text: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ScrollView() {
                LazyVStack {
                    HStack {
                    ForEach(1..<201, id: \.self) { num in
                        Text("Message \(num)")
//            .background(Color.red) // Good result, adjusted where I want to
            .background(Image("chatBackground")) // Bad result, expands to TextField and safe area
            TextField("Your text here", text: $text)
        .navigationTitle("Example app")


  1. Good result (using a color):好的结果(使用颜色): 好的结果(使用颜色)

  2. Bad result (using the image):错误的结果(使用图像): 结果不好(使用图像)


  1. How can I apply an image as background?如何应用图像作为背景?
  2. Why does it extends down to the very bottom?为什么会延伸到最底层?


This is the result of Timmy's answer.这是 Timmy 回答的结果。 Almost the thing but it moves when keyboard appears.几乎是这样,但是当键盘出现时它会移动。 在此处输入图像描述

You need to set the background of the TextField to white (or whatever color you need):您需要将TextField的背景设置为白色(或您需要的任何颜色):

TextField("Your text here", text: $text)       


In order for the image to bound itself correctly, you need to use the .clipped() modifier after the background one:为了使图像正确绑定自身,您需要在背景后使用.clipped()修饰符:

.background {
        .resizable() //recommended
        .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill) //recommended

To make the image ignore the keyboard, you need to wrap the image inside a GeometryReader & add .ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard, edges: .bottom) (Credit to @pawello2222 ):要使图像忽略键盘,您需要将图像包裹在GeometryReader中并添加.ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard, edges: .bottom)感谢 @pawello2222 ):

.background {
    GeometryReader { _ in
            .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
    }.ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard, edges: .bottom)

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