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单元测试返回 401 Unauthorized on a permitted route in Spring WebFlux Security

[英]Unit test returns 401 Unauthorized on a permitted route in Spring WebFlux Security

I am trying to test a route that returns array of objects but the test fails because it returns Unauthorized instead of 200 OK我正在尝试测试返回对象数组的路由,但测试失败,因为它返回 Unauthorized 而不是 200 OK

My test class我的测试 class

@WebFluxTest(value = CatController.class)
class ContentManagementTestApplicationTests {

    ApplicationContext context;
    private WebTestClient webTestClient;
    CatRepository catRepository;

    public void setup(){
    void contextLoads() {


  public void getApprovedCats(){


And ApplicationSecurityConfig class, has a SecurityWebFilterChain Bean而ApplicationSecurityConfig class,有一个SecurityWebFilterChain Bean

    SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http, AuthConverter jwtAuthConverter, AuthManager jwtAuthManager){

        AuthenticationWebFilter jwtFilter = new AuthenticationWebFilter(jwtAuthManager);

        return http .csrf().disable()

              .addFilterAt(jwtFilter, SecurityWebFiltersOrder.AUTHORIZATION)


The Error on JUint test shows following JUint 测试错误显示如下

java.lang.AssertionError: Status expected:<200 OK> but was:<401 UNAUTHORIZED> Expected:200 OK Actual:401 UNAUTHORIZED java.lang.AssertionError:预期状态:<200 OK> 但为:<401 UNAUTHORIZED> 预期:200 OK 实际:401 UNAUTHORIZED

Before test fails and shows Unauthorized, in console it prints "Using generated security password: 8e5dd468-3fd1-42b6-864a-c4c2ed2227b7" And I believe that should not be printed since I disabled it in securityFilterChain在测试失败并显示未经授权之前,在控制台中打印“使用生成的安全密码:8e5dd468-3fd1-42b6-864a-c4c2ed2227b7”我认为不应该打印,因为我在 securityFilterChain 中禁用了它

From the Javadoc of @WebFluxTest :来自@WebFluxTestJavadoc

Annotation that can be used for a Spring WebFlux test that focuses only on Spring WebFlux components.可用于关注 Spring WebFlux 组件的 Spring WebFlux 测试的注释。 Using this annotation will disable full auto-configuration and instead apply only configuration relevant to WebFlux tests使用此注释将禁用完全自动配置,而是仅应用与 WebFlux 测试相关的配置

If you are looking to load your full application configuration and use WebTestClient, you should consider @SpringBootTest combined with @AutoConfigureWebTestClient rather than this annotation.如果您希望加载完整的应用程序配置并使用 WebTestClient,则应考虑将 @SpringBootTest 与 @AutoConfigureWebTestClient 结合使用,而不是使用此注释。

In other words, when using @WebFluxTest in your test, your SecurityWebFilterChain is not picked up.换句话说,在您的测试中使用@WebFluxTest时,您的SecurityWebFilterChain不会被选中。

Try annotating your class with @SpringBootTest instead.尝试使用@SpringBootTest注释您的 class。

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