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Microsoft.Datasync.Client.SQLiteStore.SQLiteException:无法为 URI 连接字符串配置 sqlite3

[英]Microsoft.Datasync.Client.SQLiteStore.SQLiteException: Unable to configure sqlite3 for URI connection strings

I am getting this error "Microsoft.Datasync.Client.SQLiteStore.SQLiteException: Unable to configure sqlite3 for URI connection strings."我收到此错误“Microsoft.Datasync.Client.SQLiteStore.SQLiteException:无法为 URI 连接字符串配置 sqlite3。” when trying to create an offline store in xamarin.android project using the Microsoft.DataSync.Client.SQLiteStore.尝试使用 Microsoft.DataSync.Client.SQLiteStore 在 xamarin.android 项目中创建离线存储时。 The target android version is Android 12.目标 android 版本是 Android 12。

This is how i am creating an offline store.这就是我创建离线商店的方式。

var dbPath = $"{FileSystem.AppDataDirectory}/devstore.db"; var lcStore = new OfflineSQLiteStore($"file:/{dbPath}?mode=rwc");

Any idea why this is happening?.知道为什么会这样吗?

I tried searching for some resolution and changed the android folder paths to personal and all as per some advice but no luck resolving this.我尝试搜索一些解决方案,并根据一些建议将 android 文件夹路径更改为 personal 和 all 但没有运气解决这个问题。

Likely, SQLite is already configured. SQLite 可能已配置。 Underneath, sqlite3_config() returns SQLITE_MISUSE, indicating that SQLite has already been configured.下面sqlite3_config()返回SQLITE_MISUSE,说明SQLite已经配置好了。

There is a pending release that will fix that specific problem, and I'll be producing a new NuGet package later on today (Feb 3rd) to correct this problem.有一个待定版本将解决该特定问题,我将在今天晚些时候(2 月 3 日)制作一个新的 NuGet package 来解决这个问题。

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