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Firebase SDK Authentication是否支持Java/Sprint开机开发?

[英]Does Firebase SDK Authentication support Java/Sprint boot development?

We have a Google Admin account and manage users via that console.我们有一个 Google 管理员帐户并通过该控制台管理用户。 I am building an application and would like to manage user logins through that application via a User Authentication service.我正在构建一个应用程序,并希望通过用户身份验证服务通过该应用程序管理用户登录。 I am doing some research into Firebase Auth and I think I found exactly what I need, but it does not seem to readily state that it supports Java Development.我正在对 Firebase Auth 进行一些研究,我想我找到了我需要的东西,但它似乎并不容易 state 它支持 Java 开发。 Does anyone know if this is in fact the case?有谁知道事实是否如此?


I have not tried anything yet.我还没有尝试过任何东西。 I have simply been researching.我一直在研究。

There is no Firebase Client SDK for Java. Java没有Firebase客户端SDK。

However, if your Java Application is based on a three tiers architecture with an Application server (I guess this is the case since you use Spring Boot) you can use the Admin SDK for Java to interact with the Authentication service (and if necessary the other Firebase services) from this server.但是,如果您的 Java 应用程序基于带有应用程序服务器的三层架构(我猜这是因为您使用 Spring Boot 的情况),您可以使用Admin SDK来与身份验证服务(如有必要,其他 Java 进行交互) Firebase 服务)来自该服务器。

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