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Spring 数据 jpa 使用规范的“IN”子句

[英]Spring data jpa "IN" clause using specification

i am trying to get the records from the database using spring data jpa Speicification API. here i need to put a condition for "In" clause for status column, for that i am code like below.我正在尝试使用 spring 数据 jpa Speicification API 从数据库中获取记录。在这里我需要为状态列的“In”子句添加条件,因为我的代码如下所示。

public static Specification<UserEntity> userSpecificationsforOperator(String orgName, String groupID,
            List<String> status, Date startDate, Date endDate) {
        return (root, query, builder) -> {
            List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();

            if (orgName != null) {
                Join<UserEntity, OrganizationEntity> organization = root.join("organization");
                predicates.add(builder.equal(organization.get("name"), orgName));
             * if (groupID != null) {
             * predicates.add(builder.equal(root.get("refApprovalGroupId"), groupID)); }

            if (status != null && status.size()>0) {

            if (startDate != null) {
                predicates.add(builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(root.get("createdDate"), startDate.toInstant()));
            if (endDate != null) {
                predicates.add(builder.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get("createdDate"), endDate.toInstant()));
            Predicate[] p = predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]);
            return p.length == 0 ? null : p.length == 1 ? p[0] : builder.and(p);

the above code generating the query in cosole like below上面的代码在 cosole 中生成查询,如下所示

SELECT userentity0_.id                    AS id1_68_,
       userentity0_.created_by            AS created_2_68_,
       userentity0_.created_date          AS created_3_68_,
       userentity0_.last_modified_by      AS last_mod4_68_,
       userentity0_.last_modified_date    AS last_mod5_68_,
       userentity0_.group_id              AS group_id6_68_,
       userentity0_.group_name            AS group_na7_68_,
       userentity0_.is_enrollment_updated AS is_enrol8_68_,
       userentity0_.is_federated          AS is_feder9_68_,
       userentity0_.name                  AS name10_68_,
       userentity0_.organization_id       AS organiz17_68_,
       userentity0_.ref_approval_group_id AS ref_app11_68_,
       userentity0_.reference_name        AS referen12_68_,
       userentity0_.status                AS status13_68_,
       userentity0_.uims_id               AS uims_id14_68_,
       userentity0_.user_status           AS user_st15_68_,
       userentity0_.version               AS version16_68_
FROM   user userentity0_
       INNER JOIN organization organizati1_
               ON userentity0_.organization_id = organizati1_.id
WHERE  organizati1_.name ='utopia'
       AND ( userentity0_.status =(?,?) 

when i take the query into db tool and passing the values i am getting the data.当我将查询带入数据库工具并传递值时,我正在获取数据。 but while running from the application i am not getting the data.但是从应用程序运行时我没有获取数据。 here i understood that i am able to generate the query properly but my values are not passing correctly.在这里,我了解到我能够正确生成查询,但我的值没有正确传递。 so could you please suggest how i can get my code return the data.那么你能否建议我如何让我的代码返回数据。

Maybe the implementation of it causes the issue...也许它的实施会导致问题......

Here, use this and let me know if it works在这里,使用它,让我知道它是否有效

if (status != null && status.size()>0) {

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