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MQTT 到 InfluxDB 只给我 0 个值

[英]MQTT to InfluxDB giving me nothing but 0 values

currently working on a python code that subscribes to a MQTT topic published by a RaspberryPi hooked up to a BME280 sensor reading for Temperature and Humidity then saves it to a database.目前正在研究一个 python 代码,该代码订阅了一个由 RaspberryPi 发布的 MQTT 主题,该主题连接到 BME280 传感器读取温度和湿度,然后将其保存到数据库中。 I've created the database and my mqtt works after the topic with "MyMQTT" app我已经创建了数据库,并且我的 mqtt 在使用“MyMQTT”应用程序的主题之后工作

Problems start when i try to run it and all i get is 0s in when I try to read the database.当我尝试运行它时,问题就开始了,当我尝试读取数据库时,我得到的只是 0。

Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

Publisher code:出版商代码:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import smbus2
import bme280
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

mqtt_broker = "test.mosquitto.org"
topic1 = "tp/eng/iotp_project/temp"
topic2 = "tp/eng/iotp_project/hum"

port = 1
address = 0x76
bus = smbus2.SMBus(port)

calibration_params = bme280.load_calibration_params(bus, address)

# Set the GPIO pin numbers for the fan and buzzer
fan = 23
buzzer = 22

# Set the temperature threshold for turning on the fan
fan_threshold = 24

# Set the humidity threshold for turning on the buzzer
buzzer_threshold = 80

# Initialize the GPIO pins
GPIO.setup(fan, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(buzzer, GPIO.OUT)

# Initialize the BME280 sensor
sensor = bme280.sample(bus, address, calibration_params)

temp = round(sensor.temperature, 2)
hum = round(sensor.humidity, 2)

def MQTT():
    my_mqtt = mqtt.Client()
    print("\nCreated client object at "+ time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
    my_mqtt.connect(mqtt_broker, port=1883)
    print("--connected to broker")
        my_mqtt.publish(topic1, temp)
        print("--Temperature: %.2f C" % sensor.temperature)
        my_mqtt.publish(topic2, hum)
        print("--Humidity: %.2f %%" % sensor.humidity)
        print("--publishing error!")
        print("--disconnected from broker")

while True:

#clean up the GPIO pins

Subscriber/InfluxDB code:订阅者/InfluxDB 代码:

import argparse
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
from influxdb.client import InfluxDBClientError
import datetime
import time
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

PASSWORD = 'root'
USER = 'root'
DBNAME = 'temperature'
HOST = 'localhost'
mqtt_broker ="test.mosquitto.org"
topic ="tp/iotp_project/temperature"
PORT = 8086
dbclient = None;
temp = 0.0;

def onMessage(client, userdata , message):
    global temp
    temp = float(message.payload.decode())

def startMQTT():
    my_mqtt= mqtt.Client()
    my_mqtt.on_message =onMessage
    my_mqtt.connect(mqtt_broker, port = 1883)

def getSensorData():
    now = time.gmtime()
    pointValues= [
            "time": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", now),
            "measurement": 'reading',
            "tags": {
                "nodeId": "node_1",
            "fields": {
                "Temperature": temp


def main():
    dbclient = InfluxDBClient(HOST, PORT, USER, PASSWORD, DBNAME)

while True:
    data_point = getSensorData()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Current output:当前output:电流输出

I tried making an if else condition in the def main(): of my subscriber but the result remained the same.我尝试在我的订户的 def main(): 中设置 if else 条件,但结果保持不变。 was suggested by my classmates to remove any time.sleep() from my publisher codes but that still didn't work.我的同学建议从我的发布者代码中删除任何 time.sleep() ,但仍然没有用。 database entries are still at 0 value数据库条目仍为 0 值

Attempted if/else def main():尝试 if/else def main():

def main():
        dbclient = InfluxDBClient(HOST, PORT, USER, PASSWORD, DBNAME)
        messageReceived = False
        while True:
            if messageReceived:
                data_point1 = getTemperatureData()
                data_point2 = getHumidityData()

You should put the sleep back into the publisher (and you should not be creating a new client for each loop).您应该将睡眠放回发布者(并且您不应该为每个循环创建一个新的客户端)。

Your subscriber is failing because you are missing a global temp from the getSensorData() function.您的订户失败是因为您缺少来自getSensorData() function 的global temp

Also remove the time.sleep(2) from onMessage()同时从onMessage()中删除time.sleep(2) )

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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