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在 .Net MAUI draggesturerecognizer 操作期间更改拖动元素的外观

[英]Change dragged element appearance during .Net MAUI draggesturerecognizer operation

How do I change the appearance of the XAML element that is displayed while being dragged during a drag & drop operation in.Net MAUI?如何更改 XAML 元素的外观,该元素在 .Net MAUI 中的拖放操作期间被拖动时显示?

Maybe I should ask to what extent the appearance of the dragged visual can be changed?也许我应该问一下,拖动的视觉对象的外观可以改变到什么程度?

Currently the dragged visual is basically a slightly transparent copy of the XAML element on which the DragGestureRecognizer is implemented.目前,拖动的视觉对象基本上是实现了 DragGestureRecognizer 的 XAML 元素的稍微透明的副本。 I'd like to replace that visual completely, or at least resize it.我想完全替换该视觉效果,或者至少调整它的大小。

I've adapted this example for an MVVM implementation, but I can't seem to find a way to change the appearance of the dragged visual.我已将此示例改编为 MVVM 实现,但我似乎无法找到一种方法来更改拖动视觉对象的外观。


I tried the DragStartingCommand which is executed when a drag gesture is first recognized.我尝试了在首次识别拖动手势时执行的DragStartingCommand

Here is the code in.xmal file.这是.xmal 文件中的代码。 I create a rectangle.我创建一个矩形。

<Rectangle Stroke="Red"
           x:Name="myrec" >
        <DragGestureRecognizer DragStarting="OnDragStarting" />

Here is the code behind.这是后面的代码。 I drag the element then it will set the height to 12.我拖动元素然后它将高度设置为 12。

void OnDragStarting(object sender, DragStartingEventArgs e)
    Shape shape = (sender as Element).Parent as Shape;
    e.Data.Properties.Add("Square", new Square(shape.Width, shape.Height));
    myrec.HeightRequest = 12;

More commands you can use by refering to Add drag and drop gesture recognizers您可以参考添加拖放手势识别器使用更多命令

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