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AWS Elasticsearch / Opensearch - 获取正在搜索的内容的指标

[英]AWS Elasticsearch / Opensearch - Get Metrics On What's Being Searched

I have an instance of Elasticsearch running in AWS OpenSearch.我有一个在 AWS OpenSearch 中运行的 Elasticsearch 实例。 From the documentation I've found online, AWS has something called OpenSearch Dashboards that is essentially their own forked version of Kibana.从我在网上找到的文档来看,AWS 有一个叫做 OpenSearch Dashboards 的东西,它本质上是他们自己的 Kibana 的分叉版本。 This can be connected to my Elasticsearch instance to visualize data.这可以连接到我的 Elasticsearch 实例以可视化数据。

For OpenSearch Dashboards, all of the the guides I've found online deal with how we can visualize patterns in the underlying data (ie. what's the most popular keywords in an index column, etc...) or how we can visualize data about how the Elasticsearch service is running (ie. the CPU usage rate, the indexing rate, etc...).对于 OpenSearch Dashboards,我在网上找到的所有指南都涉及我们如何可视化基础数据中的模式(即索引列中最流行的关键字是什么,等等......)或者我们如何可视化有关的数据Elasticsearch 服务的运行情况(即 CPU 使用率、索引率等)。

Is there anyway for me to get statistics on and get visualizations for what's being searched and how often?无论如何,我是否可以获得有关正在搜索的内容以及搜索频率的统计信息和可视化效果? For example, I would like data on what unique search terms users have typed into our search bar in the past week, the number of times each of those unique terms have been searched, and the number of results each of these searches with that unique term have returned.例如,我想要有关用户在过去一周内在我们的搜索栏中输入了哪些独特搜索词的数据、搜索每个独特词的次数以及使用该独特词进行的每次搜索的结果数量已经回来了。

Yes, you can get metrics on what's being searched in AWS OpenSearch.是的,您可以获得有关在 AWS OpenSearch 中搜索的内容的指标。 To do this, you need to store the search queries and their results in your Elasticsearch instance as log data.为此,您需要将搜索查询及其结果作为日志数据存储在 Elasticsearch 实例中。 You can then visualize this log data using OpenSearch Dashboards or Kibana to see statistics such as the number of unique search terms, the number of times each term has been searched, and the number of results returned for each search query.然后,您可以使用 OpenSearch Dashboards 或 Kibana 可视化此日志数据,以查看统计信息,例如唯一搜索词的数量、每个词的搜索次数以及每个搜索查询返回的结果数。

To accomplish this, you'll need to write code to extract the relevant information from the log data and then create visualizations based on that data using OpenSearch Dashboards or Kibana.为此,您需要编写代码以从日志数据中提取相关信息,然后使用 OpenSearch Dashboards 或 Kibana 创建基于该数据的可视化。


There is a build-in application for this specific case in Elasticsearch. It's called AppSearch https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/app-search/current/index.html在 Elasticsearch 中有针对此特定案例的内置应用程序。它称为 AppSearch https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/app-search/current/index.html

You can start digging from here.你可以从这里开始挖掘。 在此处输入图像描述

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