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刷新访问令牌时 Auth0 省略范围

[英]Auth0 omitting scopes when refreshing access token

I'm using auth0-react to manage authentication in my SPA, and it's been working fine for many months.我正在使用auth0-react来管理我的 SPA 中的身份验证,并且它已经运行了好几个月。 However, recently it stopped supporting the use of refresh tokens.但是,最近它停止支持使用刷新令牌。

I believe my app is using a fairly standard structure, as defined in the documentation for v1.12.1 .我相信我的应用程序使用的是相当标准的结构,如v1.12.1的文档中所定义。 All is fine when I originally log in: the /authorize endpoint returns what's expected and triggers an immediate call to /token with grant_type=authorization_code in the payload.当我最初登录时一切都很好: /authorize端点返回预期的内容并触发对/token立即调用,有效负载中有grant_type=authorization_code This succeeds: HTTP 200 and a response that includes refresh_token and scope , among other fields.这会成功: HTTP 200 以及包含refresh_tokenscope以及其他字段的响应。

However, when I make an API call after the access token has expired, a call to /token is triggered which receives an HTTP 400 with body: {"error":"invalid_scope","error_description":"User is not authorized to the audience for those scopes"} .但是,当我在访问令牌过期后进行 API 调用时,将触发对/token调用,它会收到一个 HTTP 400 和 body {"error":"invalid_scope","error_description":"User is not authorized to the audience for those scopes"} A bit of experimentation shows that the /token request has only the following four fields in its payload: client_id , redirect_uri , refresh_token and grant_type=refresh_token .一些实验表明/token请求在其负载中只有以下四个字段: client_idredirect_urirefresh_tokengrant_type=refresh_token When I make a manual call with the same details but I add scope , the request succeeds.当我使用相同的详细信息进行手动调用但添加scope时,请求成功。

As such, I believe my question is: is there a way to enforce the getAccessTokenSilently function to include the scope parameter in a /token request with grant_type=refresh_token ?因此,我相信我的问题是:有没有办法强制执行getAccessTokenSilently function 以在带有grant_type=refresh_token/token请求中包含scope参数? Alternatively, can anyone guess what may have changed for this issue to appear unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago?或者,有人能猜出几周前意外出现这个问题可能发生了什么变化吗? (I believe I made no code changes that could be relevant: in fact, I made almost no changes to my Javascript in this time, and the problem persists on reverting to old code.) (我相信我没有做任何可能相关的代码更改:事实上,这段时间我几乎没有对我的 Javascript 做任何更改,并且问题仍然存在,恢复到旧代码。)

I'm not an expert on authentication flows, so if my question is unclear or you can think of any further things to check, please let me know.我不是身份验证流程方面的专家,所以如果我的问题不清楚或者您能想到任何进一步的检查,请告诉我。

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