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是否可以使用 steamcmd 在特定的 Steam 分支上设置实时构建?

[英]Is it possible to use steamcmd to set a build live on a specific Steam branch?

I've got a request from one of my developers to automate setting a build live on a specific Steam branch after it's gone through QA on a different branch.我收到了我的一位开发人员的请求,要求在不同分支上通过 QA 后自动将构建设置为在特定 Steam 分支上运行。 The SteamPipe UI makes this very straightforward, but there's got to be a way to do this via CLI. SteamPipe UI 使这一切变得非常简单,但必须有一种方法可以通过 CLI 来完成。

When we run a build, we use the method described in the documentation where we dynamically create a build script vdf and use the "SetLive" flag on the initial testing branch ( https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/sdk/uploading ).当我们运行构建时,我们使用文档中描述的方法动态创建构建脚本 vdf 并在初始测试分支上使用"SetLive"标志( https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/sdk/uploading ). Since this is already built, I know there must be a simpler way to just set the build live on a different branch (the SteamPipe UI makes it very easy), but I cannot find the solution.由于这已经构建,我知道必须有一种更简单的方法来将构建设置为在不同的分支上运行(SteamPipe UI 使它变得非常简单),但我找不到解决方案。 Does anybody have any experience or knowledge about how to go about doing this?有没有人有关于如何 go 这样做的经验或知识?

I don't recall now why this was so difficult to find, but there is a way using the Steamworks Web API .我现在不记得为什么这么难找到了,但是有一种方法可以使用Steamworks Web API I just used a curl command to make the call with the appropriate info and it works like a dream.我刚刚使用 curl 命令使用适当的信息拨打电话,它就像梦一样。 Hope this helps someone out there.希望这可以帮助那里的人。 :D :D

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