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我可以将“@ApplicationContext private val appContext: Context”用作将由 Android Studio 中的 Service() 调用的 class 的 DI 吗?

[英]Can I use “@ApplicationContext private val appContext: Context” as DI for a class that will be invoked by a Service() in Android Studio?

I am using Hilt as DI in my Android Studio project.我在我的 Android Studio 项目中使用 Hilt 作为 DI。

ServiceTranslate is a Service class that has a longer lifecycle than the app itself. ServiceTranslate是一个Service class,它的生命周期比应用本身更长。 The ServiceTranslate will invoke the TranslateIncompleted class to perform tasks in the background. ServiceTranslate将调用TranslateIncompleted class 在后台执行任务。

1: Currently, I am using @ApplicationContext private val appContext: Context in the TranslateIncompleted class. I believe appContext is an instance of the UIApp class, is that correct? 1:目前,我在TranslateIncompleted class 中使用@ApplicationContext private val appContext: Context我相信appContextUIApp class 的一个实例,对吗?

2: Will the app crash when the app is destroyed but ServiceTranslate continues to run in the background? 2:应用被销毁但ServiceTranslate继续在后台运行时,应用会不会崩溃?

class TranslateIncompleted @Inject constructor(
   @ApplicationContext private val appContext: Context       //I'm afriad  that it maybe cause trouble.
): ITranslateIncompleted {

    override suspend fun translateIncompletedAndUpdate() {
        val myString = appContext.getString(R.string.translate_incompleted)        

class ServiceTranslate: Service() {

    @Inject lateinit var translateIncompleted: ITranslateIncompleted
    inner class MyBinder : Binder() {
        val serviceTranslate: ServiceTranslate
            get() = this@ServiceTranslate

    override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder {
        return MyBinder()

class UIApp : Application() {


ServiceTranslate is a Service class that has a longer lifecycle than the app itself ServiceTranslate 是一个服务 class ,它的生命周期比应用本身更长

I don't think this statement is correct.我认为这种说法是不正确的。 An instance of Application should always exist if the process is running, which would be the case if the Service is active.如果进程正在运行,应用程序的实例应该始终存在,如果服务处于活动状态,情况就是如此。 Unless you are running your Service in it's own process, using AppContext should be entirely safe, as Service will always have an associated Application.除非您在自己的进程中运行您的服务,否则使用 AppContext 应该是完全安全的,因为服务将始终具有关联的应用程序。 You can validate this by putting a log statement in onDestroy of Application, and confirm that it's not called when the app get's backgrounded in the UI while the Service is still active.您可以通过在应用程序的 onDestroy 中放置一条日志语句来验证这一点,并确认当应用程序在 UI 中处于后台且服务仍处于活动状态时不会调用它。 Related thread相关话题

Alternately, you could sidestep this concern entirely by exposing Service.getResources() on the Service's DI graph.或者,您可以通过在服务的 DI 图上公开 Service.getResources() 来完全回避这个问题。 That way, you wouldn't need to depend on the Application Context.这样,您就不需要依赖应用程序上下文。

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