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如何从 for 循环返回值 in.then function in Cypress

[英]How to return value from for loop in .then function in Cypress

Cypress.Commands.add("getRunID"): any => {
return cy.getData().then((response: any) => {     
      var JsonResponse: any = response.body;
      var id: any = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < JsonResponse.Items.length; i++) {
        id[i] = JsonResponse.Items[i].Id;
      var runID: any;
//looping through previous response id and passing that into URL(each id i am checking response , where the response is not null,I will get the runID)
      for (var i = 0; i < id.length; i++) {     
        let url = "**url+id[i]**"      
          method: "Get",
          url: url,
          headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            accept: "application/json",
        }).then((response) => {
          if (response.body.Items.length !== 0) {  //condition for fetching runID 
            var runId = response.body.Items[0].Id;
            return runId;  **//not returning value**         
      } //for loop end

//Test.ts -test file

I want to return runId from method getRunID (which is a command in command.ts).我想从方法getRunID (这是 command.ts 中的命令)返回runId

I think the problem is runId is set inside the if loop and I am not able to return this id as the for loop keeps running.我认为问题是runId是在if循环中设置的,我无法返回这个 id 因为 for 循环一直在运行。

As a consequence a null id is returned.结果返回了null id。 How can i solve this?我该如何解决这个问题?

You can't mix asynchronous commands cy.request() and synchronous loops, because the code needs to wait for requests to finish.您不能混合使用异步命令cy.request()和同步循环,因为代码需要等待请求完成。

So, at the end make a cy.then() call to do the wait for all prior cy.request() , then do a cy.wrap() to make runId the result of the command.因此,最后调用cy.then()来等待所有之前的cy.request() ,然后调用cy.wrap()使runId成为命令的结果。

Cypress.Commands.add("getRunID") => {

  } //for loop end
  cy.then(() => {   <-- now requests are finished
    cy.wrap(runId)  <-- set the command result

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