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如何刷新 Microsoft sharepoint 刷新令牌

[英]How to refresh a microsoft sharepoint refresh token

We have an app that needs to be able to upload an excel spreadsheet to a sharepoint drive.我们有一个应用程序需要能够将 excel 电子表格上传到 sharepoint 驱动器。

Using the API I have got a token and can successfully upload this file to sharepoint. So all things good there.使用 API 我有一个令牌,可以成功地将这个文件上传到 sharepoint。所以一切都很好。

However, I have read that the refresh token only lasts 90 days and at which point I need to re-run the auth code flow to get a new refresh token.但是,我了解到刷新令牌仅持续 90 天,此时我需要重新运行授权代码流以获取新的刷新令牌。

This code that uploads the file has to be server side and can't have our clients trying to authenticate the app just to upload a file.上传文件的代码必须在服务器端,不能让我们的客户只是为了上传文件而尝试对应用程序进行身份验证。

Is there a way that I can refresh the refresh token without going via the auth code route?有没有一种方法可以在不通过授权代码路由的情况下刷新刷新令牌?

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/security-apponly-azuread https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/security-apponly-azuread

Cyber security recommends these are set to expire every year, you can setup automated processes to renew the certificate.网络安全建议将这些设置为每年到期,您可以设置自动流程来更新证书。

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