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有没有办法在 Oracle BI Publisher 报表中生成多行文本的二维码?

[英]Is there a way to generate a QR code with multiple lines of text in Oracle BI Publisher report?

oracle RTF template: multi-line content in QR code oracle RTF模板:二维码中的多行内容

I have a requirement to implement QR code with multiple lines in oracle BI publisher report.我需要在 oracle BI 发布者报告中实现多行二维码。 According to oracle documentation the syntax is following:根据 oracle 文档,语法如下:

<?qrcode:'Hello World'; 100?>

But when scanning QR code I need to see each word on new line, like但是当扫描 QR 码时,我需要在新行中看到每个单词,比如


How can I achieve that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

Two options:两种选择:

  1. Introduce the carriage return in the XML data (field1)在XML数据(field1)中引入回车
  2. Replace spaces with carriage returns in the template (field2)将模板中的空格替换为回车(field2)

Note: This will not work in EBS (E-Business Suite).注意:这在 EBS(电子商务套件)中不起作用。 EBS uses an older version of BI Publisher. EBS 使用旧版本的 BI Publisher。 The qrcode function was introduced in Oracle BI Publisher 12c Release, not available for EBS as of 6/1/2023. qrcode function 在 Oracle BI Publisher 12c Release 中引入,自 6/1/2023 起不适用于 EBS。

Example XML示例 XML

<field2>Hello World</field2>


<?qrcode:field1; 100?>
<?translate(field2,’ ‘,xdoxslt:chr(13))?>
<?qrcode: translate(field2,’ ‘,xdoxslt:chr(13)); 100?>
<?end for-each?>

Output Output


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