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[英]ASP.NET application to make a skype call

I want to develop a web application that will have textbox and button. 我想开发一个具有文本框和按钮的Web应用程序。 When the user enters a number and clicks on the submit button, I want to make a Skype call from the host. 当用户输入一个号码并点击提交按钮时,我想从主机拨打Skype电话。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Er... you're in for a world of pain. 呃......你正处在痛苦的世界里。 First, sure, your server could possibly make a skype call, but how would you handle the back-and-forth to your user's browser? 首先,当然,您的服务器可能会拨打Skype电话,但您如何处理用户浏览器的来回? Tons of custom programming with a rich client framework, that's how. 使用丰富的客户端框架进行大量的自定义编程,就是这样。

Better to let the user just use skype themselves. 最好让用户自己使用Skype。 Look into the callto:// URI header for details. 查看callto:// URI标头以获取详细信息。

Can't you setup your links with callto:// prefixes? 你不能用callto://前缀设置你的链接吗? If the user has the option enabled in Skype then the application will be associated with those links. 如果用户在Skype中启用了该选项,则该应用程序将与这些链接相关联。

How to Use the Skype Callto:// Links 如何使用Skype Callto://链接

Perhaps you could build a link on the fly and initiate a call this way? 也许你可以动态建立一个链接并以这种方式发起呼叫?

You can generate a link with HTML with a callto: address to launch the Skype client and make the call (if the client software is configured to do so), which is hopefully what you're looking for. 您可以生成带有callto:地址的HTML链接,以启动Skype客户端并拨打电话(如果客户端软件配置为这样做),这有望成为您所需要的。 See: http://chrisabraham.com/2005/05/05/how-to-hyperlink-to-a-skype-call-with-your-skype-contact-id-or-telephone-number/ 请参阅: http//chrisabraham.com/2005/05/05/how-to-hyperlink-to-a-skype-call-with-your-skype-contact-id-or-telephone-number/

If you want to actually get into the API, you'll need some kind of desktop C# application and interface with the Skype API, see following for details: 如果你想真正进入API,你需要某种桌面C#应用程序和Skype API接口,详见以下内容:

http://share.skype.com/sites/devzone/2006/12/c_example_project_for_skype4co.html http://share.skype.com/sites/devzone/2006/12/c_example_project_for_skype4co.html

http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/skypecontrolapicsharp.aspx http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/skypecontrolapicsharp.aspx

So lets say you did launch a process on the server and automate the skype client on the web server. 因此,假设您确实在服务器上启动了一个进程,并在Web服务器上自动执行Skype客户端。 It then dials your customer via a phone located in the data center and the customer hears .... what? 然后它通过位于数据中心的电话拨打您的客户,客户听到....什么? IIS isn't very talkative. IIS不是很健谈。

I know this is an old thread but we are getting a few visitors to our site from it. 我知道这是一个旧帖子,但我们从它那里得到了一些访问我们网站的访问者。 If you want to embed clickable links into your website that work with Skype please use the Skype URIs, see: https://dev.skype.com/skype-uri . 如果您想将可点击链接嵌入使用Skype的网站,请使用Skype URI,请参阅: https//dev.skype.com/skype-uri

[Skype:echo123?call][1] [Skype的:?echo123呼叫] [1]

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