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[英]Wordpress limits - system design consideration

I am designing a system for a customer. 我正在为客户设计系统。 We are thinking about using Wordpress as a main platform (instead of writing our custom software), and customize it using addons or hiring developers to write some custom modules. 我们正在考虑使用Wordpress作为主要平台(而不是编写我们的自定义软件),并使用插件对其进行自定义或雇用开发人员编写一些自定义模块。 We need to have an ability to have some static pages, few php pages, and lot of user generated content. 我们需要具有一些静态页面,几个php页面以及许多用户生成的内容的能力。

What limits do Wordpress have? WordPress有什么限制? I have searched website, but did not found any info about for example max number of users. 我已经搜索了网站,但未找到有关例如最大用户数的任何信息。 I am interested in experience-based opinions. 我对基于经验的观点感兴趣。

So, how Wordpress performs on multi-user websites? 那么,WordPress在多用户网站上的表现如何? Or - do you think it is better to leave Wordpress, and swithch to some other open-source CMS? 或者-您认为离开Wordpress并转向其他开源CMS更好吗?

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The core functionality about the system will be to allow user to put text content and photos on categorized pages. 该系统的核心功能是允许用户将文本内容和照片放在分类的页面上。 Some users need an ability to have classic blog on the site, while others will only occasionally publish some content. 有些用户需要具有在网站上发布经典博客的功能,而其他用户则只会偶尔发布一些内容。 Some data will be polled by RSS from users' blogs on the other platform (with a respect to copyrights and legal stuff). RSS将从另一个平台上的用户博客中轮询某些数据(涉及版权和法律资料)。

So as far as now I have identified a lot of blog-like functionality. 因此,到目前为止,我已经确定了很多类似博客的功能。


If you are interested in WordPress for a multi-user environment, perhaps you should look at WordPress MU , which is the software that runs WordPress.com. 如果您对用于多用户环境的WordPress感兴趣,也许您应该看看WordPress MU ,它是运行WordPress.com的软件。 I'm not sure how the plugins work with WordPress MU as I've never looked at it in-depth. 我不确定这些插件如何与WordPress MU配合使用,因为我从未深入研究过。

If you need more of a social aspect, then you can refer to Tom's answer of using BuddyPress, which adds functionality on top of WordPress MU. 如果您需要更多的社交方面的知识,则可以参考汤姆的使用BuddyPress 的答案 ,它在WordPress MU的基础上增加了功能。

WordPress places no maximum on users, posts, etc. beyond that of the underlying technologies (your database, mainly). 除了基本技术(主要是数据库)之外,WordPress在用户,帖子等上没有设置最大限制。 WordPress.com runs on the WordPress MultiUser platform and it has six million blogs, a billion monthly pageviews, and 200k new posts a day . WordPress.com在WordPress MultiUser平台上运行,拥有600万个博客,每月10亿次的页面浏览量以及每天20万个新帖子

Your limitations will be more structural - WordPress is designed first and foremost as a blogging platform. 您的限制会更加结构化-WordPress首先被设计为博客平台。 If its interface and methodology fit your project well, go for it, but if you're going to be hacking the shit out of it, a more generalist system like Drupal may suit you better. 如果它的界面和方法学很适合您的项目,那就去做吧,但是如果您想摆脱它的麻烦,那么像Drupal这样的通才系统可能会更适合您。

If it's a blogging platform you are designing, then WordPress should fit you needs. 如果您正在设计的博客平台,那么WordPress应该可以满足您的需求。 You can also look into Movable Type (Perl). 您也可以查看Movable Type(Perl)。 If you are looking for a Content Management System (CMS), then you should look at Drupal and/or Joomla. 如果您正在寻找内容管理系统(CMS),则应该查看Drupal和/或Joomla。 Movable Type is actually starting to integrate with Drupal. Movable Type实际上已经开始与Drupal集成。

Wordpress has some performance issue, about a dozen pages/sec in default setup. Wordpress存在一些性能问题,默认设置约为每秒12页。 But using plug-ins like SuperCache, it can get it to scale pretty well fairly easily. 但是使用SuperCache之类的插件,可以相当轻松地扩展它。 You can do anything you want with a custom "theme". 您可以使用自定义“主题”来做任何您想做的事情。 But WordPress isn't going to manage the content in the "theme" for you, just display it. 但是WordPress不会为您管理“主题”中的内容,而只是显示它。

I have had some pretty good success using Drupal. 使用Drupal取得了相当不错的成功。 If you aren't trying to build a blog there are much better things out there for dynamic CMS. 如果您不想建立博客,那么动态CMS会有很多更好的选择。 Wordpress is a great piece of blogging software. WordPress是一个很棒的博客软件。 Try to make it do something else? 尝试使其做其他事情吗? It becomes a big pain to do. 要做起来很痛苦。 Having developed "applications" in both. 两者都开发了“应用程序”。 If a blog is not the primary component (which a news site would also follow suit) then use a true CMS and not a blogging platform. 如果博客不是主要组成部分(新闻网站也将遵循它),则使用真正的CMS,而不是博客平台。

Depending on the type of User Generated content WP might work. 根据用户生成内容的类型,WP可能会起作用。 You could use the Contributor Role to allow users to create content that site admins could then moderate before making it live. 您可以使用“贡献者角色”来允许用户创建站点管理员可以在发布之前可以对其进行管理的内容。

Drupal seems to have more tools for Community type sites, but I have very little experience with it. Drupal似乎为社区类型的站点提供了更多工具,但是我对此的经验很少。

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