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在OS / X中生成C ++ BackTraces(10.5.7)

[英]Generating C++ BackTraces in OS/X (10.5.7)

I've been utilizing backtrace and backtrace_symbols to generate programmatic stack traces for the purposes of logging/diagnosis. 我一直在使用backtrace和backtrace_symbols来生成编程堆栈跟踪,以便进行日志记录/诊断。 It seems to roughly work, however, I'm getting a little bit of mangling and there are no accompanying file/line numbers associated with each function invocation (as I'd expect within a gdb bt call or something). 它似乎粗略地工作,但是,我得到一点点修改,并且没有与每个函数调用相关联的文件/行号(正如我在gdb bt调用中所期望的那样)。 Here's an example: 这是一个例子:

1 leonardo 0x00006989 _ZN9ExceptionC2E13ExceptionType + 111 1 leonardo 0x00006989 _ZN9ExceptionC2E13ExceptionType + 111
2 leonardo 0x00006a20 _ZN9ExceptionC1E13ExceptionType + 24 2 leonardo 0x00006a20 _ZN9ExceptionC1E13ExceptionType + 24
3 leonardo 0x0000ab64 _ZN5Rules11ApplyActionER16ApplicableActionR9GameState + 1060 3 leonardo 0x0000ab64 _ZN5Rules11ApplyActionER16ApplicableActionR9GameState + 1060
4 leonardo 0x0000ed15 _ZN9Simulator8SimulateEv + 2179 4 leonardo 0x0000ed15 _ZN9Simulator8SimulateEv + 2179
5 leonardo 0x0000eec9 _ZN9Simulator8SimulateEi + 37 5 leonardo 0x0000eec9 _ZN9Simulator8SimulateEi + 37
6 leonardo 0x00009729 main + 45 6 leonardo 0x00009729 main + 45
7 leonardo 0x000025c6 start + 54 7 leonardo 0x000025c6开始+ 54

Anything I'm missing something, doing something silly, or is this all I can expect out of backtrace on OS/X? 我有什么遗漏的东西,做些傻事,或者这是我在OS / X上的回溯吗?

Some other tidbits: 其他一些花絮:

  • I don't see a rdynamic link option for the g++ version (4.0.1) I'm using. 我没有看到我正在使用的g ++版本(4.0.1)的rdynamic链接选项。
  • -g/-g3 doesn't make any difference. -g/-g3没有任何区别。
  • abi::__cxa__demangle doesn't seem to do anything abi::__cxa__demangle似乎什么也没做

  • The backtraces typically come back from backtrace_symbols in the following format: 回溯通常以backtrace_symbols以下列格式返回:

    ./MyApp(_ZN4test3fooEv+0x8) [0x821c874] ./MyApp(_ZN4test3fooEv+0x8)[0x821c874]

    abi::__cxa_demangle expects only the function name. abi :: __ cxa_demangle只需要函数名称。 Thus, some parsing must first be done on the trace: 因此,必须首先对跟踪进行一些解析:

          std::string trace(backtrace[idx]);
          // attempt to demangle
             std::string::size_type begin, end;
             // find the beginning and the end of the useful part of the trace
             begin = trace.find_first_of('(') + 1;
             end = trace.find_last_of('+');
             // if they were found, we'll go ahead and demangle
             if (begin != std::string::npos && end != std::string::npos) {
                trace = trace.substr(begin, end - begin);
                size_t maxName = 1024;
                int demangleStatus;
                char* demangledName = (char*) malloc(maxName);
                if ((demangledName = abi::__cxa_demangle(trace.c_str(), demangledName, &maxName,
                      &demangleStatus)) && demangleStatus == 0) {
                   trace = demangledName; // the demangled name is now in our trace string

    I've tested this is on my own project, and it gives somewhat nicer backtraces with the following format: 我已经测试过这是我自己的项目,它使用以下格式提供了更好的回溯:

    test::foo() 测试:: FOO()

    Sure, there are no line numbers, but I'm not certain that is even possible. 当然,没有行号,但我不确定是否可行。

    I don't know of any implementation of backtrace_symbols() which gives any more than symbol+offset. 我不知道backtrace_symbols()的任何实现,它提供的不仅仅是symbol + offset。

    With regards to abi:: __cxa__demangle , you need to ensure that you only pass it the symbol name, without the + line suffix, otherwise it won't recognise the symbol as valid. 关于abi:: __cxa__demangle ,您需要确保只传递符号名称,不带+ line后缀,否则它不会将符号识别为有效。

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