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[英]Text input readonly attribute not recognized in IE7?

I am setting readonly="readonly" (in other words, true) via javascript: 我通过javascript设置readonly =“readonly”(换句话说,是真的):

document.getElementById("my_id").setAttribute("readonly", "readonly");

This is having the intended effect (making the field no longer editable, but its contents are submitted with the form) in FF, Safari and Chrome, but not for IE7. 这在FF,Safari和Chrome中具有预期效果(使字段不再可编辑,但其内容随表单一起提交),但不适用于IE7。 In IE7 I can still modify the contents of the text input field. 在IE7中,我仍然可以修改文本输入字段的内容。

I have tried setting ("readonly", "true") as well, which works in all three other browsers that I am testing, but which IE7 also ignores. 我也尝试过设置(“readonly”,“true”),它适用于我正在测试的所有其他三个浏览器,但IE7也忽略了这些浏览器。

Does anyone have experience with trying to do this with IE7? 有没有人有尝试用IE7做这个的经验? I do not want to use the disabled attribute as I want the value within the text input field to be submitted with the form. 我不想使用disabled属性,因为我希望文本输入字段中的值与表单一起提交。


document.getElementById("my_id").readOnly = true;

try: 尝试:


it is readOnly , O is capital! 它是只读O是资本!

<script type="text/javascript">

function blah(txt) {
   var text = document.getElementById(txt).value;
   if(text.length > 4 && document.getElementById('chk').checked == false) {

   // *********    NOT WORKING WITH IE   *************** //
   // ******** ---   **********//

   //document.getElementById("ta").disabled = true;   //  for disable textArea
   document.getElementById("ta").blur(); // comment this when above line is uncommented or visa-versa
   document.getElementById('chkBox').style.display = "block";

function unable() {
  // document.getElementById("ta").disabled = false; // to unable textArea -- uncomment when disabling is used or visa-versa
   document.getElementById('chkBox').style.display = "none";


<textarea id="ta" onkeydown="blah('ta')" ></textarea>
<div id="chkBox" style="display:none"><label> Please check this to continue....</label><input type="checkbox" id="chk" onclick="unable()"></div>

Or try: 或尝试:

document.getElementById("my_id").setAttribute("readOnly", true);

Please note as stated by @TheVillageIdiot, the O in readOnly is UPPER CASE . 请注意,如@TheVillageIdiot所述,readOnly中O是大写的 This should work from IE7 to IE11. 这应该从IE7到IE11。

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