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[英]Has the STL changed much?

I'm wanting to become conversant in the use of the Standard Template Library. 我想要熟悉标准模板库的使用。 If I come across a general reference or beginner's guide published around 1995-97, can I rely on the information in it? 如果我在1995-97左右发现一般性参考或初学者指南,我可以依赖其中的信息吗? How much has STL changed in the last dozen years? STL在过去的十几年中有多少变化?

Yes! 是! There are new additions. 有新的补充。 The TR1 update is now implemented in most environments. TR1更新现在在大多数环境中实施。

Your older book is still useful to learn the basics. 您的旧书仍然有助于学习基础知识。 But you will want to find a reference for TR1 to learn about some very useful new features. 但是,您需要找到TR1的参考资料,以了解一些非常有用的新功能。 In a couple of areas, the new features are preferred over older ones. 在几个方面,新功能优于旧功能。 (What comes to mind is bind1st and bind2nd functionality is fully encapsulated in the more general bind construct.) (我想到的是bind1st和bind2nd功能完全封装在更通用的绑定构造中。)

In addition, there are the boost libraries. 此外,还有增强库。 (boost.org) Boost is aa collection of libraries, some are very useful, others are obscure. (boost.org)Boost是一个库的集合,有些是非常有用的,有些是模糊的。 Some of the features in TR1 came from boost, so there is some overlap. TR1中的一些功能来自增强,因此存在一些重叠。 There is at least one good book about Boost out there. 至少有一本关于Boost的好书。

Not a whole lot, if at all. 如果有的话,不是很多。 The current standard was published in 1998. 现行标准于1998年出版。

cplusplus.com has a more up-to-date reference, which you can compare for yourself. cplusplus.com有一个更新的参考,您可以自己比较。

I'd recommend also that you get a copy of Scott Meyers' Effective STL . 我还建议您获得Scott Meyers的Effective STL副本。

I like the SGI reference to the STL 我喜欢SGI对STL的引用
http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl

Which includes a set of resource for further reading 其中包括一组供进一步阅读的资源
http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/other_resources.html http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/other_resources.html

I think that this documentation was done by the crater of the STL (could bee wrong on that). 我认为这个文档是由STL的陨石坑完成的(可能是错误的)。

But the STL has not changed since it was made official. 但自从STL正式发布以来,STL并未发生变化。 The new additions for TR1 are currently not officially available but will be part of the new standard. TR1的新增功能目前尚未正式推出,但将成为新标准的一部分。 Though you can grab them via boost. 虽然你可以通过提升抓住它们。 Which is another set of libraries you should look at. 这是你应该看的另一组库。

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