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[英]Jdesktop or Qt for better Desktop application

I will make a desktop application. 我将制作一个桌面应用程序。 I searched on web which one is better. 我在网上搜索了哪个更好。 Can someone say positive and negative sides of these components. 有人可以说这些方面的正面和负面的一面。

I can add some information about QT: 我可以添加一些有关QT的信息:

QT is a well designed, portable library that covers nearly everything you'll need for a desktop application. QT是一个设计良好的可移植库,几乎涵盖了桌面应用程序所需的所有内容。 QT covers GUI, networking, SQL, Graphics and more. QT涵盖了GUI,网络,SQL,图形等。

Pros: 优点:

  • very extensive library 非常丰富的图书馆
  • high performance 高性能
  • portable 手提

Cons: 缺点:

  • It's C++ 这是C ++
  • special preprocessor / make tool needed. 需要特殊的预处理器/制作工具。

Setting up a QT compile environment is a little bit more difficult than setting up a C++ compile environment. 设置QT编译环境比设置C ++编译环境要困难一点。 C++ is - especially if you are not used to it - very difficult and the learning curve is steep. C ++非常困难,尤其是如果您不习惯它的话,其学习难度会很大。 QT helps alot with appropriate helper classes (QPointer, ...) and library magic (QObjects freeing children, ...) in the background. QT在后台通过适当的辅助类(QPointer,...)和库魔术(QObjects释放子级,...)帮助了很多人。 There are bindings to other languages as well. 也有其他语言的绑定。 Just to mention a few - Jambi is a binding for Java and there's a binding for python as well. 仅举几例-Jambi是Java的绑定,还有python的绑定。

For your decision consider the following things 根据您的决定,请考虑以下事项

  • which programming language do you know best 您最了解哪种编程语言
  • which libray reduces your amout of work for this application the most 哪个libray可以最大程度地减少您为此应用程序的工作量
  • how much performance do you REALLY need. 您真正需要多少性能。 C++ code can be very fast, but there's no reason to work with manual memory management and pointers if you don't need the performance. C ++代码可以非常快,但是如果您不需要性能,则没有理由使用手动内存管理和指针。
  • which library offers you the look and feel you want to have for your desktop application 哪个库为您的桌面应用程序提供了外观
  • If you need portability: Do you want to "compile once run everywhere" (Java) or do you want to "run your app everywhere once you compiled it for this plattform" (QT) 如果需要可移植性:是要“编译一次到处运行”(Java)还是要“一旦为该平台编译了应用程序就在任何地方运行”(QT)

Here's the link to QT-Jambi Wiki: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-jambi/pages/Home . 这是QT-Jambi Wiki的链接: http : //qt.gitorious.org/qt-jambi/pages/Home According to Nokia: "Qt Jambi is the Qt GUI toolkit for Java developers" 根据诺基亚的说法:“ Qt Jambi是面向Java开发人员的Qt GUI工具包”

Qt is the best cross platform GUI framework at the moment. Qt是目前最好的跨平台GUI框架。 It renders the widgets with a native look on each platform and it has a very easy to use API. 它在每个平台上都以原生外观呈现小部件,并且具有非常易于使用的API。

Using Qt doesn't mean that you have to use C++. 使用Qt并不意味着您必须使用C ++。 You can program Qt in Java (Qt Jambi) or Python (PyQt) for instance. 例如,您可以使用Java(Qt Jambi)或Python(PyQt)编程Qt。

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