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[英]Text in Title Bar

我们如何使用VS 2008在C#.net中的表单的标题栏中移动文本?

If you want to scroll the text in the title bar (as in news tickers) you will need to update the title bar manually every second or so. 如果要滚动标题栏中的文本(如新闻报道),则需要大约每秒钟手动更新标题栏。 You can use the Timer control for that. 您可以使用Timer控件。

Having said that, I personally find it VERY annoying to see such applications. 话虽如此,我个人还是很讨厌看到这样的应用程序。 You must have a good reason to do that. 您必须有充分的理由这样做。

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