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Bazaar Eclipse或外部合并/冲突工具

[英]Bazaar Eclipse or External Merge/Conflicts Tool

Are there any good tools for merging/resolving conflicts for Bazaar + Eclipse? 是否有用于合并/解决Bazaar + Eclipse冲突的良好工具?

I wish Bazaar was integrated with Eclipse the same way Subversion is. 我希望Bazaar以与Subversion相同的方式与Eclipse集成。

Have you seen Bzr-Eclipse and QBzr-Eclipse ? 您看过Bzr-EclipseQBzr-Eclipse吗? I think it's an either-or choice: don't install both. 我认为这是一个选择,要么都不安装。 Bzr-Eclipse uses it's own interface, so it looks closer to the Eclipse way of doing things. Bzr-Eclipse使用它自己的接口,因此它看起来更接近Eclipse的工作方式。 QBzr-Eclipse links in to QBzr's dialog boxes, so it looks like Bazaar Explorer and is probably better maintained ( this link ). QBzr-Eclipse链接到QBzr的对话框,因此它看起来像Bazaar Explorer,并且可能维护得更好( 此链接 )。 I prefer QBzr-Eclipse, but it's up to you: try them both and see how you get on. 我更喜欢QBzr-Eclipse,但这取决于您:尝试两者,看看您的情况如何。

There are some Bzr Eclipse screenshots here . 有一些BZR Eclipse的截图在这里

Install & Configure 安装和配置

  1. Root access. 根访问权限。

    sudo su 苏多苏

  2. Install meld : 安装融合

    apt-get install meld apt-get安装界面

  3. Go to "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins": 转到“ /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins”:

    cd /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins cd /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins

  4. Download ExtMerge Bazaar Plugin : 下载ExtMerge Bazaar插件

    bzr branch lp:bzr-extmerge extmerge bzr分支lp:bzr-extmerge extmerge

  5. Create merge script: "/usr/bin/meld-helper": 创建合并脚本:“ / usr / bin / meld-helper”:

    vim /usr/bin/meld-helper vim / usr / bin /混合帮助器

  6. Write content for merge script: 编写合并脚本的内容:

    #!/bin/bash #!/ bin / bash

    mv $1 $1.bak mv $ 1 $ 1.bak

    mv $3 $1 MV $ 3 $ 1

    meld $2 $4 $1 融合$ 2 $ 4 $ 1

    mv $1 $3 MV $ 1 $ 3

    mv $1.bak $1 电视$ 1.bak $ 1

    exit 0 出口0

  7. Exit from root user. 从root用户退出。

    exit 出口

  8. Go to Bazaar home path: "~/.bazaar/". 转到集市主路径:“〜/ .bazaar /”。

    cd ~/.bazaar/ cd〜/ .bazaar /

  9. Make configuration backup. 进行配置备份。

    cp bazaar.conf bazaar.conf.bak cp bazaar.conf bazaar.conf.bak

  10. Edit Bazaar configuration file. 编辑Bazaar的配置文件。

    vim bazaar.conf vim bazaar.conf

  11. Add follow line at the end (before "[ALIASES]" line, check if exists first, and change it): 在末尾添加跟随行(在“ [ALIASES]”行之前,先检查是否存在,然后更改):

    external_merge = 'meld-helper %r %b %t %o' external_merge ='辅助助手%r%b%t%o'

  12. Finish! 完!

Usage 用法

Using " checkout " 使用“ 结帐

  1. Commit changes: 提交更改:

    bzr commit -m "COMMIT DESCRIPTION" bzr commit -m“提交说明”

  2. Update project: 更新项目:

    bzr update bzr更新

  3. Merge conflicts: 合并冲突:

    bzr extmerge test-file.txt bzr extmerge test-file.txt

  4. Mark as resolved: 标记为已解决:

    bzr resolve test-file.txt bzr解析test-file.txt

  5. Commit changes: 提交更改:

    bzr commit -m "COMMIT DESCRIPTION" bzr commit -m“提交说明”

  6. Finish! 完!

Using " branch " 使用“ 分支

  1. Commit changes: 提交更改:

    bzr commit -m "COMMIT DESCRIPTION" bzr commit -m“提交说明”

  2. Get changes: 获取更改:

    bzr pull bzr拉

  3. Merge changes: 合并更改:

    bzr merge bzr合并

  4. Merge conflicts: 合并冲突:

    bzr extmerge test-file.txt bzr extmerge test-file.txt

  5. Mark as resolved: 标记为已解决:

    bzr resolve test-file.txt bzr解析test-file.txt

  6. Commit changes: 提交更改:

    bzr commit -m "COMMIT DESCRIPTION" bzr commit -m“提交说明”

  7. Send changes: 发送更改:

    bzr push bzr推送

  8. Finish! 完!

Notes 笔记

In "meld", you have 3 columns: 在“融化”中,您有3列:

  1. test.txt .BASE : Is the first version of file, in last "update" or "pull". test.txt .BASE :是文件的第一个版本,在最后的“更新”或“拉”中。

  2. test.txt .OTHER : Is new version of file in the server. test.txt .OTHER :服务器中文件的新版本。

  3. test.txt : Is your local version. test.txt :是您的本地版本。 In this file is where I save the changes to "commit". 在此文件中,我将更改保存到“提交”。

Your merged file is "test.txt", when you close " meld "! 当您关闭“ meld ”时,合并的文件是“ test.txt”! Check if all is ok! 检查一切正常!

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