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[英]Count, orderby and group in LINQ

Given a set 给定一套

Paris New York London New York Paris Paris 巴黎纽约伦敦纽约巴黎巴黎

I'm trying to do a LINQ query that will return a grouping of the Paris, New York, and London with their respective counts . 我正在尝试执行LINQ查询,该查询将返回巴黎,纽约和伦敦及其各自数量的分组。

I've been able to do a GroupBy that returns a group containing only the Paris/New York/London in each Grouping. 我已经能够做一个GroupBy,它返回每个分组中仅包含巴黎/纽约/伦敦的一组。

Sounds relatively simple, but I can't get it to work? 听起来相对简单,但我无法使它正常工作?

Edit : It's not a homework problem. 编辑 :这不是一个作业问题。


String[] input = new [] { "Paris", "New York", "London",
                          "New York", "Paris", "Paris" };

var groups = input
    .GroupBy(city => city)
    .Select(group => new { City = group.Key, Count = group.Count() });

foreach(var group in groups)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} occurs {1} time(s).", group.City, group.Count);


Paris occurs 3 time(s).
New York occurs 2 time(s).
London occurs 1 time(s).


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