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尝试将tabBarController设置为半透明。 但是没有用。 可以设置Alpha

[英]Trying to set tabBarController translucent. But not working. Alpha can be set

I'm using the standard code for setting up my TabBarController, but I can't for the life of me get it to be translucent. 我正在使用标准代码来设置TabBarController,但我一生都无法做到半透明。 I overlay a view with my TabBarController, I would like that image to show through the TBC. 我用TabBarController覆盖了一个视图,我希望该图像通过TBC显示。 Actually I want the bar to just fade away like the Photo app does after a few seconds, but for now, one step at a time. 实际上,我希望条像数位应用程序一样在几秒钟后消失,但现在一次只能一次。 Translucent first. 半透明第一。 thanks 谢谢

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application 

 tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; 

 //tabBarController.tabBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent;

 //ERROR: request for member in something not a structure of member

 //BUT this will work! But just affects the alpha value

 tabBarController.tabBar.alpha = .5;

 view1Controller = [[View1Controller alloc] init];  
 view2Controller = [[View2Controller alloc] init]; 
 view3Controller = [[View3Controller alloc] init]; 

 tabBarController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:view1Controller, view2Controller, view3Controller, nil];  

 [window addSubview:tabBarController.view]; 
 [window makeKeyAndVisible]; 

To make a Tab Bar transparent, set tabBar.Opaque to No. You can then adjust the tabBar.alpha value to adjust the level of transparency. 要使标签栏透明,请将tabBar.Opaque设置为No。然后,您可以调整tabBar.alpha值以调整透明度。 It is possible to animate this change. 可以对此更改进行动画处理。

From the docs for UIView: "@property(nonatomic) CGFloat alpha Discussion Changes to this property can be animated. Use the beginAnimations:context: class method to begin and the commitAnimations class method to end an animation block. " 从UIView的文档中:“ @property(nonatomic)CGFloat alpha讨论可以对此属性进行更改。可以使用beginAnimations:context:类方法开始,使用commitAnimations类方法结束动画块。

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