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[英]Adding an event listener to an iframe

Is it possible to add an event listener to an iframe? 是否可以向iframe添加事件监听器? I've tried this code, but it doesn't seem to work: 我已经尝试过这段代码,但它似乎不起作用:

document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow.window.document.body.addEventListener('afterLayout', function(){

I've also just tried using getting the element by id and adding my listener via the JavaScript framework I'm using, like this: 我也尝试过使用id获取元素并通过我正在使用的JavaScript框架添加我的监听器,如下所示:

Ext.fly("iframeID").addListener('afterLayout', function(){ alert('test'); });

I can call functions in the iframe, so I don't think security is an issue. 我可以在iframe中调用函数,所以我认为安全性不是问题。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

I never tried to handle 'afterLayout' event but for more browser compatible code you'll use ( iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument ) instead of iframe.contentWindow . 我从未试图处理'afterLayout'事件,但是对于更多与浏览器兼容的代码,您将使用( iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument )而不是iframe.contentWindow

try something like 尝试类似的东西

var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0],
    iDoc = iframe.contentWindow     // sometimes glamorous naming of variable
        || iframe.contentDocument;  // makes your code working :)
if (iDoc.document) {
    iDoc = iDoc.document;
    iDoc.body.addEventListener('afterLayout', function(){

Hope it'll help. 希望它会有所帮助。

If you are doing serious iframe work in Ext, you should look into the ManagedIFrame user extension: 如果你在Ext中做了严肃的iframe工作,你应该查看ManagedIFrame用户扩展:

http://www.extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=40961 http://www.extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=40961

It features built-in events and cross-frame messaging, as well as many other benefits. 它具有内置事件和跨框架消息传递,以及许多其他好处。

Reasons for failure could be:- 失败的原因可能是: -

  1. The URL to which the iframe is directed from a different domain as the container, hence code is prevented by cross-domain script blocking. iframe作为容器从不同域引导到的URL,因此跨域脚本阻止阻止了代码。
  2. The code is running before the frame content is loaded 代码在加载帧内容之前运行

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