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[英]Free reports for c#

I'm writing desktop app in c# and I need some free reporting system. 我正在用C#编写桌面应用程序,并且需要一些免费的报告系统。
Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

EDIT: 编辑:
I'm using SQLite as DB. 我正在使用SQLite作为数据库。

SQL Server报告,可以作为SQL Server Express 2008的一部分下载。

Crystal Reports has been available to windows developers as a free reporting system since VB6 (if I'm not mistaken). 自VB6起, Crystal Reports已作为免费报告系统提供给Windows开发人员(如果我没记错的话)。 Free to redistribute and use. 免费重新分发和使用。

Not all the versions of Crystal Reports runtime are redistributable as free. 并非所有版本的Crystal Reports运行时都是免费重新发行的。 The one that is 2005 redistributable is the free one but to create reports you need Visual Studio 2005 professional version or above. 2005可再发行的是免费的,但要创建报告,您需要Visual Studio 2005专业版或更高版本。

But Crystal reports is a good choice for reporting in C# .Net. 但是Crystal报表是使用C#.Net进行报表的一个不错的选择。

They have a small overview of some open-source reporting tools at csharp-source.net: 他们在csharp-source.net上概述了一些开源报告工具:

http://csharp-source.net/open-source/charting-and-reporting http://csharp-source.net/open-source/charting-and-reporting

Depends on what exactly you expect from a reporting engine but there is some reporting support embedded in SharpDevelop ( SharpDevelop Reports ) that can also be used as stand alone. 取决于您对报告引擎的确切期望,但是SharpDevelop中嵌入了一些报告支持( SharpDevelop Reports ),这些支持也可以单独使用。

It is licensed under LPGL, but doesn't provide any charting capabilities. 它已获得LPGL许可,但不提供任何图表功能。

http://www.gotreportviewer.com/ http://www.gotreportviewer.com/

The stand alone reporting version of the SQL server report services (SSRS) can be used. 可以使用SQL Server报告服务(SSRS)的独立报告版本。 It does not require SQL server and comes with visual studio. 它不需要SQL Server,并且带有Visual Studio。 It works pretty good. 效果很好。 It is free and I believe it does not have to be licensed in order to release it with your app but research this before doing so. 它是免费的,我相信不必为了与您的应用程序一起发布而获得许可,但请在使用前进行研究。

While it's not free but since you brought up your working with Visual Studio Express, a cheaper option than upgrading to a full copy of Visual Studio is Telerik Reporting . 尽管它不是免费的,但是自从您开始使用Visual Studio Express以来, Telerik Reporting是比升级到Visual Studio完整副本更便宜的选择。

I haven't used it yet but I've had alot of success with their controls in the past and just had my workplace purchase the license that includes all the control and the reporting and at some point I'll be using Telerik reporting personally. 我还没有使用过它,但是过去他们在控件方面取得了很多成功,只是我的工作场所购买了包含所有控件和报告的许可证,有时我会亲自使用Telerik报告。

I understand the desire to stay inexpensive and would vote for SSRS in addition to your SQLite implmentation. 我理解保持便宜的愿望,除了您的SQLite实现外,还会投票支持SSRS。 However, the Dundas product is fantastic... 但是,邓达斯的产品太棒了……

I'm not sure who controls the purse strings, but you can make some flashy displays/reports/dashboards with Dundas. 我不确定谁来控制钱包字符串,但是您可以使用Dundas进行一些炫目的显示/报告/仪表板。 We software developers often focus on the code - it's beauty, it's elegance, it's terseness. 我们的软件开发人员通常将重点放在代码上-它的美,优雅,简洁。 We often forget that sales drive the existence/continuance of the product. 我们常常忘记了销售会推动产品的存在/持续。 And sales is driven by - ooh, look at that shiney thing! 销量是由-哦,看那闪亮的东西!

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