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HTTPS未加密? 服务器将无法建立安全连接

[英]HTTPS is Not Encrypted? Server will not make a secure connection

May Not Be Safe For Work 可能不安全工作

I cannot get my server to make a secure connection. 我无法使服务器建立安全连接。

I created a checkout form here: https://bradp.com/join-30-30-club 我在这里创建了一个结帐表格: https : //bradp.com/join-30-30-club

When entered, the browser attempts to make a secure connection appears to give up and goes to an unencrypted connection. 输入后,浏览器将尝试建立安全连接,从而放弃并转到未加密的连接。

What do you think It could be? 您认为这可能是什么?

I'm using Apache and PHP. 我正在使用Apache和PHP。

Based on the output of the certificates for that site fetched with: 根据该站点的证书输出,通过以下命令获取:

openssl s_client -connect bradp.com:443 -showcerts openssl s_client -connect bradp.com:443 -showcerts

on my mac (full output at http://www.atlbbs.com/bradp.txt ) it looks like you might a certificate chain problem. 在我的Mac上(完整输出位于http://www.atlbbs.com/bradp.txt ),看来您可能是证书链问题。 Without seeing your logs, if I had to guess, I'd say you are lacking the extra intermediary certificate that GoDaddy SSL certs usually need to work. 如果我不敢猜测的话,我没有看到您的日志,那就说您缺少GoDaddy SSL证书通常需要工作的额外中间证书。 If that's all okay, then you can try and chase down the "self signed certificate in certificate chain" or tell your software to ignore that warning. 如果还可以,那么您可以尝试追查“证书链中的自签名证书”,或告诉您的软件忽略该警告。 Or find who Valicert is and what they have to do with anything. 或者找到谁是Valicert,以及他们与任何事物有什么关系。

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