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C ++堆栈实现

[英]C++ Stack Implementation

Hey all! 大家好! Having a little trouble with my stack. 我的堆栈有点麻烦。 Im trying to print each element that I've pushed onto the stack. 我正在尝试打印我推入堆栈的每个元素。

Starting with the stack ctor we know that we have a fixed size for the array. 从堆栈ctor开始,我们知道数组的大小是固定的。 So I allocate the items struct object to hold just that much space: 所以我分配了项目struct对象来容纳这么多的空间:

stack::stack(int capacity)
  items = new item[capacity];

  if ( items == NULL ) {
    throw "Cannot Allocoate Sufficient Memmory";
  maxSize = capacity;
  top       = -1;

Yes, items is a struct type of the object "item". 是的,items是对象“ item”的结构类型。 Have a look: 看一看:

class stack
  stack(int capacity);
    int maxSize; // is for the item stack
    int top;     // is the top of the stack
    struct item {
      int n;
    item        *items;                 

    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, stack& q)

First and formost we want to add to the stack by pushing each incoming element into the array FILO: 首先也是最重要的一点是,我们希望通过将每个传入元素推入数组FILO来添加到堆栈中:

bool stack::pushFront( const int n )
     if ( top >= maxSize-1 ) 
    throw "Stack Full On Push";
    return false;
    items[top].n = n;
return true;

// just a textbook example here:
  delete [] items;

  items    = NULL;
  maxSize = 0;
  top      = -1;

Yes the real issue for me is the items[++top].n = n; 是的,对我来说真正的问题是项目[++ top]。n= n; statement. 声明。 I've been trying to find out how I can drag (+) the items array out to see ALL of the array elements after I push onto the stack. 我一直在尝试找出如何在推入堆栈后将项目数组拖出(+)以查看所有数组元素。

Im wondering why I cant drag that items[++top].n = n statement out when im debugging. 我想知道为什么在调试时不能拖动该项[++ top] .n = n语句。 All that comes up is the value that is passed as an 'n' paramater. 所有出现的就是作为“ n”参数传递的值。 Do I need to use a stack object type array to store the values into? 我是否需要使用堆栈对象类型数组将值存储到其中?

When I overload the << operator and try to print the elements I get an insanely large negative number: 当我重载<<操作符并尝试打印元素时,我得到一个非常大的负数:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, stack& q)
    if ( q.top <= 0 ) // bad check for empty or full node
    out << endl << "stack: empty" << endl << endl;
        for ( int x = 0; x < q.maxSize; x++ )
            out << q.items[x].n; // try to print elements
    return out;

I'm way off and I need some guidence if anyone has the time! 我要走了,如果有时间,我需要一些指导!

In the overloaded << operator in the for loop you are iterating maxsize times. 在for循环的重载<<操作符中,您要迭代maxsize时间。 But you might not have pushed maxsize elements into the stack. 但是您可能尚未将maxsize元素推入堆栈。 You should iterate top times. 您应该遍历高峰时间。 Also, write a default constructor for item structure and initialize all the variblaes so that you do not get garbage values when you try to print them. 另外,为项结构编写一个默认的构造函数,并初始化所有变量,以便在尝试打印它们时不会得到垃圾值。


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