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[英]What is the best way to divide two TimeSpan objects?

I want to get the ratio of one TimeSpan against another TimeSpan (Basically the progress of a playing video from it's total time). 我想得到一个TimeSpan与另一个TimeSpan的比率(基本上是从它的总时间开始播放视频的进度)。 My current methods is to get the milliseconds of the two TimeSpan objects and divide one against the other. 我目前的方法是获取两个TimeSpan对象的毫秒数,并将一个对象除以另一个。 Something like: 就像是:

        int durationInMilliseconds = totalTimeSpan.Milliseconds;
        int progressInMilliseconds = progressTimeSpan.Milliseconds;

        Double progressRatio = progressInMilliseconds / durationInMilliseconds;

Is there a more direct route? 有更直接的路线吗? It's a simple problem and i'm just curious if there is a super elegant way to solve it. 这是一个简单的问题,我只是好奇,如果有一个超级优雅的方式来解决它。

Cheers all James 为所有詹姆斯干杯

double progressRatio = progressTimeSpan.Ticks / (double)totalTimeSpan.Ticks;

You must cast one to a double, otherwise C# will do integer division. 您必须将一个转换为double,否则C#将执行整数除法。 Ticks is better than the TotalMilliseconds because that is how it is stored and avoids any conversion. 刻度优于TotalMilliseconds,因为它是如何存储的,并避免任何转换。

You should use either Ticks or TotalMilliseconds , depending on the required precision. 您应该使用TicksTotalMilliseconds ,具体取决于所需的精度。 Milliseconds is the number of milliseconds past the current second. 毫秒是超过当前秒数的毫秒数。

As for a better solution, it doesn't get simpler than a division so your current solution is fine (minus the bug). 至于更好的解决方案,它并不比分区简单,因此您当前的解决方案很好(减去错误)。

TimeSpan gained several new operators with the release of .NET Core 2.0 : 随着.NET Core 2.0的发布, TimeSpan获得了几个新的运营商:

public TimeSpan Divide(double divisor);
public double Divide(TimeSpan ts);
public TimeSpan Multiply(double factor);

public static TimeSpan operator /(TimeSpan timeSpan, double divisor);
public static double operator /(TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2);
public static TimeSpan operator *(double factor, TimeSpan timeSpan);
public static TimeSpan operator *(TimeSpan timeSpan, double factor);

Of note, a TimeSpan can now be divided by another TimeSpan : 值得注意的是, TimeSpan现在可以被另一个TimeSpan划分:

var a = new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0);
var b = new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0);
var c = new TimeSpan(0, 4, 30);

Console.WriteLine(a / b);
// Displays: "20"

Console.WriteLine(b / c);
// Displays: "6.66666666666667"

Make use of extension method can make codes more readable. 利用扩展方法可以使代码更具可读性。

public static double DividedBy(this TimeSpan x, TimeSpan y)
    return Convert.ToDouble(x.Ticks) / y.Ticks;

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