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使用一个Active Directory来使用Web服务

[英]Consume a Web service thought an Active Directory

I have a project in which I have to consume a web service authenticating against Active Directory. 我有一个项目,我必须使用针对Active Directory进行身份验证的Web服务。 I have my system written in python3, python-ldap module is not ported yet, so I want to know a way to acheive this consumption . 我的系统是用python3编写的,尚未移植python-ldap模块,因此我想知道一种实现这种consumption

In the worst case, I will create a standalone consumer in python2.5, but I want to know how to consume a web service logged in an active directory. 在最坏的情况下,我将在python2.5中创建一个独立的使用者,但是我想知道如何使用活动目录中记录的Web服务。

我已经用python-ntlm解决了它,这是google中处理ntlm进行www-authentication的项目:协商, http : //code.google.com/p/python-ntlm/谢谢!

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