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在后面的代码中获取控件的样式{StaticResource {x:Type TextBlock}}

[英]Get the Style of a Control {StaticResource {x:Type TextBlock}} in code behind

I want to grab the default Style for a TextBlock in code behind without ever having adding a custom default TextBlock Style to resources in XAML . 我想在代码后面获取TextBlock的默认Style ,而不必在XAML向资源添加自定义默认TextBlock Style

I've got a method like this: 我有一个像这样的方法:

public TextBlock DrawTextBlockAtPoint(string text, Style style)

that I want to provide an override that just uses the regular TextBlock Style : 我想提供一个只使用常规TextBlock Style的覆盖:

public TextBlock DrawTextBlockAtPoint(string text)
   var style = GetDefaultStyleForProperty(TextBlock.StyleProperty);
   DrawTextBlockAtPoint(text, style)

Is there anyway to do this? 反正有没有这样做?

The StaticResource Markup Extension essentially tries to find a resource for the defines key. StaticResource标记扩展本质上试图找到定义键的资源。 If the default style for the TextBlock type can be retrieved using: {StaticResource {x:Type TextBlock}} you should be able to get it in code using: 如果可以使用以下命令检索TextBlock类型的默认样式: {StaticResource {x:Type TextBlock}}您应该能够使用以下代码获取它:

var defaultTextBlockStyle = FindResource(typeof(TextBlock));

Of course, this needs to be called in a context in which the FindResource methods is defined. 当然,这需要在定义FindResource方法的上下文中调用。 I used it inside my main Window class and it works. 我在我的主Window类中使用它并且它可以工作。

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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