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flex index.html模板

[英]flex index.html template

i see that that template has some code to see if the client has the required version, and it does stuff if it has or it doesn't and there is a <object> tag inside <noscript> 我看到该模板具有一些代码,以查看客户端是否具有所需的版本,并且如果有或没有,它将进行填充,并且在<noscript>有一个<object>标记

question: if the stuff is gonna work with the <object> tag anyway why would you need all that stuff above with the control of version if it has or not ? 问题:如果这些东西无论如何都可以与<object>标记一起使用,为什么您需要上面所有带有东西的东西(如果有的话)带有版本控制?

What is inside the noscript tag is only run in the case that the user has turned off javascript in their browser. 只有在用户关闭浏览器中的javascript的情况下, noscript标记中的内容才会运行。 This is required for the Flex page to still work in that case. 在这种情况下,Flex页面仍然需要此功能。

The other code is inside of a script tag, and handles the creation of the flash object smoother than the brute force method in the object tag. 另一个代码在script标签内部,并且比object标签中的蛮力方法更平滑地处理flash对象的创建。 It would prefer to use this method, but in the case that scripting is disabled, it will use the object method instead in an effort to still give the user what they want on the page. 它更喜欢使用此方法,但是在禁用脚本的情况下,它将改用object方法,以便仍然为用户提供他们在页面上想要的内容。

That is why it seems that it appears twice in the page. 这就是为什么它似乎在页面中出现两次的原因。 For any given browser only one section should actually run. 对于任何给定的浏览器,实际上只应运行一个部分。

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