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[英]OCaml: Check a list of records for membership

If I have defined the following types: 如果我定义了以下类型:

type category = Noun | Verb | Adjective | Preposition;;
type transformation = {start: category; fin: category};;

What is the best way to answer the question "is the record where start = Noun in the list of type transformation? 回答问题的最佳方法是“在类型转换列表中, start = Noun的记录是什么?

Sort of like 有点像

let un = [{start= Noun; fin= Noun}; {start= Verb; fin= Adjective}];;    
List.mem {start = Noun; _} un;;

Except that syntax doesn't seem to work. 除了语法似乎不起作用。

List.exists (fun x -> x.start = Noun) un

List.mem can be thought of as just a special case of List.exists , where List.mem x ys is equivalent to List.exists ((=) x) ys . List.mem可以被认为是一种特殊情况的List.exists ,其中List.mem x ys相当于List.exists ((=) x) ys So you can use List.exists for more general membership criteria. 因此,您可以将List.exists用于更一般的成员资格条件。

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