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Word Completion C#VS2010

[英]Word Completion C# VS2010

I am having some issues with word completion in VS2010 running in windows 7. I have no word completion in C#, programming a web application. 我在Windows 7中运行的VS2010中的单词完成功能遇到一些问题。在C#中,对Web应用程序进行编程时,我没有单词完成功能。

The word completion works fine in html, but in code behind i need to use (alt + right) to see the completion options. 完成一词在html中工作正常,但是在后面的代码中,我需要使用(alt + right)查看完成选项。 Already checked the preferences and is all okay, also tried ctrl + alt + spacebar. 已经检查了首选项,一切正常,还尝试了ctrl + alt +空格键。 No results. 没结果。

Anyone know why is this happening? 有人知道为什么会这样吗?

Problem solved. 问题解决了。

It wasn't active by default, but under Tools/Options/Text Editor/C#/General. 默认情况下它不处于活动状态,但是在“工具/选项/文本编辑器/ C#/常规”下。 Auto list members wasn't active... 自动列表成员未处于活动状态...

Thanks for the answers! 感谢您的回答!

Does it happen only to your code or to any C# code? 它仅发生在您的代码或任何C#代码上吗? Try to crate a new empty C# project and see if it works. 尝试创建一个新的空C#项目,然后查看它是否有效。 If it does not you can try to run VS from a command line with /resetsettings switch - this will reset all VS settings back to defaults. 如果没有,您可以尝试使用/ resetsettings开关从命令行运行VS-这会将所有VS设置重置为默认值。 If it is still a no go you can try to re-install it 如果还是不行,您可以尝试重新安装

Intellisense has many different items that cause the completion to not be available. Intellisense有许多不同的项目,导致完成功能不可用。 I would attempt the following checks in descending order: 我将尝试按降序进行以下检查:

  1. Are these any syntax errors occurring before the line(s) in question? 这些语法错误是否发生在相关行之前?
  2. Has the required information been provided for that method/property/etc. 是否已提供该方法/属性/等所需的信息。 been provided for that item? 提供该项目? Mainly applies to custom developed code. 主要适用于定制开发的代码。
  3. Do you have any 3rd party controls installed that may be doing something fancy for completion purposes. 您是否安装了可能出于完成目的而做某些事情的第三方控件。

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